Republicans tackle FISA reform on House floor with two options – IOTW Report

Republicans tackle FISA reform on House floor with two options

JTN: Years after exposing FBI and intelligence community abuses during the Russia collusion probe, Republicans are finally tackling Foreign Intelligence Surveillance Act (FISA) reform on the House floor with two bills that offer major differences in their approach. Only the bill with the most votes will advance to the Senate.

The Protect Liberty and End Warrantless Surveillance Act would cover a time period of three years and end warrantless searches for Americans’ communications under section 702 of FISA.

The exemptions for the warrant requirement include an “imminent threat of death or serious bodily harm” or a “cybersecurity threat signature.” more

5 Comments on Republicans tackle FISA reform on House floor with two options

  1. END all FISA for domestic citizens now. Not three years from now, not 8 years from now.
    Use FISA for non-citizens ONLY (illegal aliens included).

    I do not trust the CIA, NSA, FBI, ATF, Homeland Security or other Federal agencies to follow the law. They don’t follow the Constitution, what makes you think they’ll follow any law created by Congress?

  2. Life long registered and voting republican here. Why vote republican anymore. Evil, corrupt, traitorous stealth commies republican assholes are all we get after voting anymore. Fuck the republicans.


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