Rescued from the memory hole: The disgrace that caused Biden to withdraw and slink away from running for president in 1988 – IOTW Report

Rescued from the memory hole: The disgrace that caused Biden to withdraw and slink away from running for president in 1988


This video from 1988 is well worth 4+ minutes of your time for several reasons.

The Joe Biden of 32 years ago is a stark contrast to the doddering old man we see today.  It is really startling to see how animated and emphatic he was back then.  The extent of his mental deterioration is made vividly clear.

Equally vivid is the extent of his perfidiousness, his utter lack of character and willingness to lie about his life.  Because he continues to lie about himself today, it is clear that he has not changed a bit from the defects of character that caused him to withdraw in shame from the quest for the nation’s highest office.

This segment from Connie Chung’s CBS Evening News, back when the MSM were not mindless propaganda outlets for the Democrats, shows Biden delivering lines stolen from British left-wing Labor politician Neil Kinnock, followed by Kinnock delivering those same lines before Biden stole them.  It is quietly hilarious.

16 Comments on Rescued from the memory hole: The disgrace that caused Biden to withdraw and slink away from running for president in 1988

  1. “I’ve done some dumb things, I’ll do dumb things again.” – Joe Biden

    He’s a liar, a plagiarist, a pedophile, a fool, but Biden can at times see into the future quite clearly.

  2. Biden was an asshole, a liar, a plagiarist, a creep and a lot of other things but he wasn’t a stutterer like they suddenly claimed this year to cover his cognitive lapses even carting out some stuttering kid in their DNC to pretend that was true. Sad people no longer seem to care about any substantive issues when it comes to a democrat.

  3. I find it strange that the onset of dementia made Joe Biden a better candidate for the Democrat party. He was un-electable when he could articulate his true self, but his diminished mental capacity makes him “ideal”.

    Also says something about the Democrat party when their best and brightest is a feeble, disabled elderly man who most likely will not survive the first four years. They are not thinking of the U.S., they are thinking about power.

  4. It’s almost like he had a brain aneurysm. Or two.

    Two things struck me. How far downhill the media has sunk. And how much the American public is willing to ignore lack of character.


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