Rescued Woman Goes Off On CNN For Hurricane Harvey Coverage – IOTW Report

Rescued Woman Goes Off On CNN For Hurricane Harvey Coverage

DC: A woman who was rescued from Hurricane Harvey after 36 hours went off on CNN for trying to interview her on camera while she was with her children.

The mother began the interview by explaining how long she had to wait to be rescued, but was becoming visibly upset and anxious by having to share her story to the CNN correspondent.

The CNN correspondent continued to ask questions and touch the mother’s arm as she and her daughter were crying.  Video

*salty language warning*

19 Comments on Rescued Woman Goes Off On CNN For Hurricane Harvey Coverage

  1. As a video viewer I didn’t realize the woman was shivering and the whole family was still cold and not quite settled. Surely someone in person could see that? Did that stupid reporter rush to interview the first person off the damn boat? Why doesn’t she put down the fucking microphone and help the aid workers get shit done?

  2. Yea, CNN, you got warm, dry clothes on. Did you bring me and my daughter any warm, dry clothes? And I bet you got food in your belly. We hungry. You bring us something to eat? And get your pawing hands offn me.

  3. List, because that microphone girl has no heart. It’s all about her, just like it’s all about most young people today. Social media is in part responsible for that. Like Obama — me, me, me.

  4. That Fake News correspondent with Fake Sympathy thought that woman was too stoopid to understand she was being utilized as a tool for the Correspondent With a Fake Heart to move up the Fake News ladder. Lol!

  5. News media people are vampires, sucking their life’s sustenance from the still-living bodies of disaster victims.

    “And how do you feel about the fact that your child died before your eyes in a situation where you survived? What were your thoughts as he/she/it was carried away by the floodwaters?

    Oh wait – we have to break for a commercial. Hold that thought, and we’ll get back to you in a moment.”

  6. I feel for them, I really do. But,did anyone else notice what she said? I call for help and then I waited for help to arrive. Like a good govt drone I waited for the Govt to help. Heaven forbid she should thought ahead and made plans… know ,just in case.

  7. Hahahahah!

    They LOVED how it started out. It was juicy stuff they could use against whomever they wished until it got turned on them.

    “Oh fuck! She’s dissing US not Trump or the rescuers! CUT! CUT!CUT!”

    “Someone have that can of industrial strength egg-on-face remover handy?”

    I couldn’t get the video at that link to work. So watched this one:

    Lord how I despise CNN.

    And a lib I know thinks they are the cat’s meow and THE ONLY news to trust.

  8. She probably figured out right away that they just wanted her to bash Trump or Gov. Abbott or Republicans or white people in general to fire up the horde of stupid democrat cunts who politicize every fucking thing that happens.

  9. When I saw the clip I was annoyed by the woman’s attitude,”waiting for 5 (??) days”, etc… she’d accepted to give the interview, the reporter even knew her name. Then I realized that she was in shock. The more she kept talking, the more it began to sink in her own situation and she got mad at everything, especially at the vultures circulating them.
    Reminded me of that picture of starving kid and a vulture.

    BTW, is Jimmy Acosta an anchor (ha!) now?! He won’t be at the WH conferences anymore?

  10. I’d of laughed if she’d have punched the media scrunt. I agree with her. Media Shitbags shouldn’t be let into shelters of any type.

    Trained in that, you don’t let them in the door, period. The shelter staff management gives the interviews.

  11. reboot – I agree. Shelters should have some privacy. After all, for all intents and purposes these shelters are someone’s alternate bedroom! These are people who have lost everything. Give them some dignity for God’s sake! They don’t need some CNN Turd coming in and stinking up the joint!
    But then it just goes to show that CNN has no dignity, scruples or honesty.

  12. The American public increasingly hates the mainstream media. they are condescending, lecturing, shallow and stupid, arrogant, spoiled, and completely friggin useless. They lie and spin everything. They defend criminals like the clintons and dws. They are 100% far left partisan hacks. No one wants them around. What value added was CNN providing in Houston? That lady speaks for a lot of people. GO AWAY

  13. this despicable reporter, working for a equally despicable network, can get her ass back to NYC. We have capable caring reporters here in Houston. All of our locals have done an outstanding job getting the news out under extreme conditions. They have actively participated in uncounted rescues putting their personal safety at risk. A big thank you to our local networks but nothing but condemnation for the leeches from nationals.

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