Research Suggests Neanderthal Knowledge Led Them from Caves Out to Sea – IOTW Report

Research Suggests Neanderthal Knowledge Led Them from Caves Out to Sea

Ancient Origins- The acknowledgement of the diversity of Neanderthal knowledge and skills has been growing. Tool making , caring for each other , dentistry, jewelry making , language, and elaborate burial rites have all been explored over the last few years. Now it seems seafaring may need to be added to the list.

Science magazine points to possible evidence of Neanderthal voyages in the Mediterranean to the Greek islands of Naxos, Crete, Kefalonia, and Zakynthos. 130,000-year-old stone tools were found on Crete about a decade ago, but there was much doubt at the time if they were really evidence of Stone Age seafaring. However, more indications of voyaging have been found both on Crete and at other sites since then.

Archaeologist John Cherry of Brown University, once a skeptic of the possibility of Neanderthal seafaring, said “The orthodoxy until pretty recently was that you don’t have seafarers until the early Bronze Age. Now we are talking about seafaring Neandertals. It’s a pretty stunning change.”  more

26 Comments on Research Suggests Neanderthal Knowledge Led Them from Caves Out to Sea


  2. Neanderthals were no different from us. They were descendants of Noah’s sons who reoccupied the wrecked world after the Flood. The Bible shows that man was quite advanced before that point so none of these clues to their technology and knowledge should come as a surprise to those who believe what God says happened.

  3. @Ed – the Out of Africa theory that humans left Africa for Europe 50,000 years ago has always been tenuous but promoted by the left to prove equality. Discoveries and DNA testing continuously undermine the theory but the media buries the inconvenient stories.

    Discoveries in Europe and China of human like teeth and skulls far older than anything found in Africa have been reported and immediately forgotten.

    Apes with human like teeth dating from 7.2 million years ago have been found in Bulgaria and Greece – older than any African ape fossils.

    10 million year old humanoid ape teeth have been found in Germany.

    A 700,000 year old homo sapien skull was found in a cave in Petralona, Greece in 1959.

    Then there’s the Dali skull found decades ago in China. This 260,000 year old skull is clearly closely related to modern humans.

  4. It’s a shame so much digging has to be done to get a clear picture of our ancient history because libs control the educational system and their twisting of historical data is more important to them than facts. Distortions for reasons of a desired political narrative is an assault on the truth.

  5. grool, and of course Noah & sons would have had knowledge of that technology to pass along. We, with our “advanced knowledge” would look for shelter in any place we could if our world had been wiped “clean”, including caves.

  6. Dave, exactly right…except I have no doubt there’d be far, far fewer “modern humans” able to survive in similar primitive circumstances than survived then. The higher you are, the harder the fall…the softer the people, the bigger the splat when they hit the ground, so to speak.

  7. BTW, saw an article at work yesterday about the discovery of mass child sacrifice in S. America, I think it was, that appeared to be coupled with the occurrence of massive flooding. If that’s so, it makes perfect sense that already paganized and viciously wicked people panicked as rain began to fall (for the first time in history) at the start of the Flood, freaked out and started butchering their own children to appease the demons they worshiped as idol gods.

    For those not already aware, Planned Parenthood is by no means the first time in history that people found it a good thing to butcher their own children. Babies were placed in the bronze hands of the red-hot stoked statues of Baal, I believe it was, while priestly choirs and orchestras played loud music to Baal to cover up the screams of their dying children. And that was just to ensure yearly crops. Imagine a flood coming.

    And people today honestly wonder how God could possibly wipe man out with a global flood.

  8. “The orthodoxy until pretty recently was that you don’t have seafarers until the early Bronze Age.”

    Probably because making sea-worthy vessels with stone and wood tools is nearly impossible. Maybe there are other technological advances by the Neanderthals, such as copper smelting, which we have yet to discover.

  9. grool, PP is far from the first group of people to murder children. In Canaan child sacrifice was common (and I think I remember they burnt whole babies to appease their “god”). Imagine a flood coming to be sure. Rain would have freaked them out. I also think about the abuse Noah took during the 100 years it took to build the ARK.

  10. “… possible evidence of Neanderthal voyages in the Mediterranean to the Greek islands of Naxos, Crete, Kefalonia, and Zakynthos. 130,000-year-old stone tools were found on Crete about a decade ago …”

    “possible” is the operative word.

    Unless I am mistaken, we cannot (objectively) ascertain the maker of a tool by the tool we determine was made 130,000 years ago.
    The fact that we have a tool does not (necessarily) imply the maker of that tool – even though it may be similar to some other tool. For instance, it is widely believed (!) that iron was discovered in various locales at around the same time (geologically speaking) and not at one place at one instant, and then that knowledge disseminated around the globe (or around the area in question – eg Europe or Asia).

    So, I’d take it all with a heavy dose of salt.

    izlamo delenda est …


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