Researcher Claims To Have Evidence One Of EPA’s Most Successful Clean Air Rules Is Based On Fabricated Data – IOTW Report

Researcher Claims To Have Evidence One Of EPA’s Most Successful Clean Air Rules Is Based On Fabricated Data


Daily Caller: One of the Environmental Protection Agency’s (EPA) longest and most successful air pollution standards is based on a taxpayer-funded study plagued by “data fabrication and falsification,” according to a veteran toxicologist.

Toxicologist Albert Donnay says he’s found evidence a 1989 study commissioned by EPA on the health effects of carbon monoxide, which, if true, could call into question 25 years of regulations and billions of dollars on catalytic converters for automobiles.

“They claimed to find an effect when there wasn’t one,” Donnay told The Daily Caller News Foundation. “They even fabricated the methods they used to get their results.”

“They were spinning this to give EPA what they wanted and commissioned,” Donnay said. “They reported results that could not have come from human beings.”  more here

14 Comments on Researcher Claims To Have Evidence One Of EPA’s Most Successful Clean Air Rules Is Based On Fabricated Data

  1. I’m from the EPA and I’m here to keep you safe with manufactured false information based upon our initial assumptions that are not scientifically proven.
    Thank you.

    EPA bureaucratic control has grown tremendously, destroying businesses, increasing costs and penalties, destroying farms and their families. Bureaucrats out of control !

  2. This kind of fraud is nothing new as far as the environmentalists are concerned. The banning of DDT years ago was based on evidence that raptor bird egg shells were abnormally thin because of ingested DDT, causing massive failure of hatching viable birds. Only problem was – in the experimentation that was done, the birds fed DDT also were fed diets low in calcium who is a vital constituent of the egg shells. Thanks to this dietary manipulation, the shells came out way too thin, and it WASN’T because of the DDT that was fed to the birds. So the bastards produced phony data that was used to ban DDT, even though the inventor of the chemical ate a teaspoon of the stuff for many years and suffered no harmful effects from it, eventually dying when he was in his late 90’s. Just like “climate change”, you can’t believe any of this rubbish produced by these liars.

  3. I will say this.
    Back thirty years ago, there would be several weeks every summer when smog would take over my local city and you couldn’t see the tops of skyscrapers when driving in to work. These smog days rarely happen now.
    So I do appreciate what has been done for clean air.
    But now that the air is fairly clean, it seems the EPA is still being very aggressive in pursuing job choking environmental laws but they are not really proving the need for them.

  4. CARB is particularly insidious. Their arbitrary rules are adopted by other states, and therefore become de-facto law in the rest of the country. One example is the ridiculous Diesel Particulate Filter (DPF) mandatory on all diesels produced after 2007, and based on faulty science. Not satisfied with this expensive requirement, CARB doubled-down and required retrofitting on existing commercial diesels. CARB must be abolished. here are a couple of links:

  5. @TSUNAMI August 8, 2017 at 11:11 am

    > The EPA should be abolished, along with the IRS.

    That’s gonna take a whole lotta reach-around-the-aile’s. Which means a whole lotta decades. How’s about we just collect everyone who’s collected a W-2 or a 1099 from either, in say… the last decade (more or less), out to a ditch, and leave them there. Then HR can just start rehiring.

  6. The removal of lead from gasoline was predicated on children’s inner city test scores being lower than the cleaner suburban kid’s scores. That and the proven effects of large doses of lead on the brain was all it took. I don’t know what happened after the first studies but I have an idea, more bad science.

  7. This sort of fraudulent faked “science” doesn’t surprise me one bit. I’ve personally seen it up close, perpetrated against the recreational fishing community by NOAA’s Natl Marine Fisheries Service.

    When a peer-reviewed marine biologist said that there was no need for NMFS to force a No-Fishing Zone at an area off Hobe Sound Florida, NMFS’s SE Regional Director had Mote Marine do it’s own study where their “results” completely contradicted the marine biologist who’d been studying that area since the 1970’s. Then NMFS went ahead with it’s anti-recreational fishing agenda and forced it’s No-Fishing Zone on us.

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