Researchers find high levels of dangerous chemicals in East Palestine air – IOTW Report

Researchers find high levels of dangerous chemicals in East Palestine air

P M :

Despite the US Environmental Protection Agency’s (EPA) assertion that residents of East Palestine are safe to live around the site of the February 3 train derailment that led to toxic chemical contamination of the local environment, a new assessment from Texas A&M and Carnegie Mellon University found that the Ohio town’s air contains “higher than normal” amounts of several potentially dangerous chemicals. 

The report, published last week, determined that acrolein, benzene, vinyl chloride, butadiene, naphthalene, o-Xylene, trichloroethylene, trichloroethane and p-Xylene were all present in the air in East Palestine as a result of the Norfolk Southern Railroad catastrophe. MORE

15 Comments on Researchers find high levels of dangerous chemicals in East Palestine air

  1. …the question is always, “how much poision is a safe amount of poison”?

    …the answer is always, “no one really knows”, and usually comes in the form of cancer decades after everyone forgot about the original incident and with no conclusive way to link the two events, especially since no one really tries unless they think they can use it to push a Communist agenda…

  2. So, the local population is being told that other than the poisonous water, soil, and air its perfectly healthy?

    Homo Sapiens Sapiens: monkeys who think they think.

    They need to rethink how they “bulk transport” and what safety looks like.

  3. That looks like the list of crap that was floating around in the air at the boat manufacturing plant I worked at 40yrs ago. It ain’t much better now I would think.

  4. There is no safe amount of poison ever. One of my cousins died from cancer 5 years ago, 50 years after he had been exposed to Agent Orange while fighting in the jungles of Vietnam as a US Army infantryman. He did win a Silver Star for bravery, but cancer got him in the end. Some tradeoff, to die in your late 60’s from cancer from Agent orange used to defoliate the jungle so we could kill a few more NVA and Viet Cong enemy soldiers. East Palestine, Ohio will have devastating cancer rates in the future because of that train wreck last month on innocent residents who just happened to unfortunately live close to those railroad tracks where that accident occurred. And I am suspiciously becoming more concerned as this happens more often that it is deliberate sabotage by one of our enemies in order to bring chaos and destruction and confusion to America.

  5. they aren’t lingering, they’re new
    continuous pelenishing
    they’re the volatile aspects of whatever was in the tanker cars. Or what is left after it was ‘controll burned.’ Then it blows away, or rains down, but new stuff replaces it. It goes somewhere else, that’s all. And what doesn’t volatize settles in or washes away. This is like Centralia or Love Canal
    It is big and it is bad

  6. Txn4Evr
    MARCH 6, 2023 AT 12:40 PM
    “If you think all these fires and train derailments aren’t the work of trained saboteurs (Chinese, Muslim)you should at least consider it.”

    …the Democrats are the REAL saboteurs.

    None of this happens if they didn’t get power and wealth from it.

  7. a paper mask won’t help for that, either
    I guess everybody should just be thankful it wasn’t CO₂
    a little benzene isn’t that bad, they’ll say

  8. Funny thing about air is that is won’t stay put.
    So the poisons will, assuredly, spread.

    I used trichloroethylene in some research I was supporting back in the 80s and it was always used under a hood. Probably some bad shit.

    May be a few years before the birth defects appear.

    mortem tyrannis
    izlamo delenda est …

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