Researchers Hid Data Showing Fluoride Lowers Kids’ IQs, Emails Reveal – IOTW Report

Researchers Hid Data Showing Fluoride Lowers Kids’ IQs, Emails Reveal


A team of pro-fluoride researchers led by California’s dental director intentionally omitted data from a study seeking to undermine the forthcoming National Toxicology Program (NTP) report linking fluoride exposure to neurodevelopmental damage in children, according to documents released last week.

The documents — obtained through a California public records search and posted in a press release by the Fluoride Action Network — show that the team, led by Dr. Jayanth V. Kumar, a dental surgeon, conducted a meta-analysis of the scientific literature on fluoride’s neurotoxicity and found a link between fluoride exposure and lowered IQ in children at low levels of exposure.

However, they omitted the data and wrote a paper concluding there was no evidence of a link.

Four rounds of peer review rejected Kumar’s manuscript as “poorly researched,” “internally inconsistent” and committing “unashamed exaggeration” before the journal Public Health finally published the study last month.

NTP report: ‘no obvious threshold’ at which fluoridating water is safe

Kumar et al.’s study was published online less than a week before the NTP’s May 4 Board of Scientific Counselors (BSC) meeting where advisors would finalize any recommended changes before the NTP publishes the final version of its report on fluoride’s neurotoxicity.

The NTP, an interagency program run by the U.S. Department of Health and Human Services that researches and reports on environmental toxins, conducted a six-year systematic review to assess scientific studies on fluoride exposure and potential neurodevelopmental and cognitive health effects in humans. read more here

18 Comments on Researchers Hid Data Showing Fluoride Lowers Kids’ IQs, Emails Reveal

  1. Now do mercury dental amalgam.

    My mouth is full of it from an accident 28 years ago (7 root canals). I was told they would need replacing around year 20 to 25, but they are all hanging in there. Been thinking about getting them all redone anyways.

  2. That is why we have a hard time trusting medicine. Don’t like the results that you were expecting then bury it or omit it. Egos have to be checked at the door.
    In this case this omission is criminally negligent.

  3. When you are asked to boil your drinking water, DON’T.
    Google what boiling does to the fluoride in drinking water.
    Enjoy all those home-cooked pasta meals everyone!

  4. That researchers hid data is more evidence on why God reserves His Judgement for your final exam.

    Before fluoride, everyone’s Grammah, Pawpaw and most aunts and uncles looked like Mom’s Mabelly by the time they were 50. Less than 20 years ago, after age 60, most people had NO teeth. After that 50s Crest toothpaste revolutionary change, most people have almost ALL their teeth. Fact.

    “All things in moderation is excellence”, stated 6000 years ago is still wise advice.

    Fluoride in your toothpaste? Hell yes!
    Fluoride to swallow, indiscriminately bought at your health boutiques, or forced on you by a shyster money-hungry dentist, etc. ?? Hell no!

    Silver fillings that lasted 20- 25 years in your head are a positive. Sorry about your accident. You instead could have “Western Teeth” = wide open spaces!

    The mercury in dental amalgam is bound into that alloy. Miniscule traces will be emitted by grinding on those filling, else you need to melt the alloy in a furnace to separated out the Hg.
    Don’t eat tuna fish and your exposure to mercury will be less than all the average Joes (not Shitpants) who have no silver amalgam fillings.

    BTW, most kids and their parents are stupid nowadays, because well …..
    they CHOOSE to be stupid. The internet is a WEALTH of knowledge and wisdom. Most people use it only for porn and Candy Crush. Fact.

  5. ^^^ Anonymous AT 11:39 AM And there is the problem. For every “expert” who says “X” another “expert” contradicts that with the exact opposite. That’s why we have trust issues.
    And my grandparents lost their teeth in their 60s because of sugar. Lots of sweet tea and homemade baked goods and jams made with tons of it.
    Testosterone supplements can lead to prostate cancer.
    I research everything I take and I give it 3 months to work. If it doesn’t or causes problems I throw it out.
    Triclosan causes cancer but you can still find it in soap and toothpaste.
    Wearing masks has been debunked over a 1000 times but “health” depts still require them.
    The covid scam proved big biz and government really couldn’t care less about our health. Oh yes and Obozocare.

  6. Flouride in drinking water was a huge issue in 1965 in OC California. Pro and con Flouriders would get in heated discussions about it at city council meetings.

    True magazine, which I used to get, did a story on it, or more generally on conservatives in OC. The writer, if I recall accurately, was on the side of the pro-flouriders.

    He described the anti-flouride people as kooks who would argue over whether Nathan Hale said “…I have but one life to give to my country….vs “…I have but one life to lose for my country…”

    OC Conservatives would put up signs that approximately read “Get the Us Out of the UN”. They were way ahead of their time.

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