Researchers to study long-term mental health impacts of ControlaVirus separation – IOTW Report

Researchers to study long-term mental health impacts of ControlaVirus separation

Every single government on this planet has taken the opportunity to oppress and troll us all, big time.
How are any of them ‘better’ than the Chinese right now?

Researchers from Flinders University are conducting a world-first study into the long-term mental health impacts of separation as a result of Australia’s closed borders throughout the coronavirus pandemic.

2 Comments on Researchers to study long-term mental health impacts of ControlaVirus separation

  1. Two months ago a 90 year old woman in Oak Ridge called her daughter from her assisted living facility, told her she couldn’t take it any more. Threw herself from her 3rd floor balcony. Management tried to gag the staff but family put it out on social media.

    One of my patients voluntarily stopped eating and drinking 2 weeks into the COVID hysteria. Died 5 days into her efforts. She watched CNN nonstop for 2 weeks and lost her damn mind.

    Despair is an ugly ugly thing.

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