Resident Can’t Remember Names – IOTW Report

Resident Can’t Remember Names

12 Comments on Resident Can’t Remember Names

  1. I ain’t gonna lie. I’m pushing 60 and never really was good at putting names to faces in the first place. I’ve met tens of thousands of people on my life, seen ’em come and seen ’em go on various jobs, as patients, as customers, as leaders and trainees, and found most folks simply aren’t worth remembering. This is compounded in my case because I work in an extremely international workplace, and I defy ANYONE to keep up with all the Amadous, Mamadous, Ousmans, Mohammads, and Obs of African Muslim extraction, not to mention the Manuels and the Marias and Jesús’ and Carmens from away South, the Russians whos names are indistinguishable from the Lithuanians from the Latvians, the people from all over Asia using clearly fake English names because Americans can’t do tonal pronunciations (Tim and Colleen? Really?), and that’s BEFORE you get into the made-up, vaugely Swahili-sounding names the American Blacks with more militant parents hung them with that follow no pattern and make no sense…

    …so you can see that I’m not going to waste my aging brain capacity or time and effort in memorizing every person I interact with, especially considering that in the modern workplace they’ll be gone in a week or two anyway. It generally isn’t a benefit for me to do so, since I work with machines and not people, and most of the people you end up communicating across the various language barriers by gestures and pointing anyway.

    …but I am not calling myself the president of the United States either, someone who’s supposed to be totally versed in nuance, etiquette, respectful address, and addressing easily butthurt politicians with armies and terror groups backing them, not to mention touchy, restive domestic constituencies that will KILL over perceived “disrespect” in public forums even if it’s not intended.

    And no, he’s not really a president either, but he DOES have hordes and gobs and routs of prople who are supposed to keep him infomed of every little thing about who he’s talking to, with flashcards and TelePrompTers and ear bugs, among which surely the guy’s NAME rates highly and is mentioned more than once.

    …yet despite all THAT, they can’t counteract The Pedo’s worsening neurosyphilis for even the length of a photo-op. It’s even entirely possible he’s losing his undestanding of the English language along with his hearing and eyesight, but at core he was never really that bright in the FIRST place.

    Althogh it’s kinda fun to watch the rest of society devolve around names too.

    Someone had “The Price Is Right” on in the break room the other day, and the blonde hostess was calling a very Hispanic-looking audience member whose name tag clearly says “Maria”. Blondie, despite the show being taped in LA and her no doubt living in one of the tonier parts with an illegal Mexican housestaff, pronounced it “MARia”, like “MariO” with an “A” at the end. Yes, you do change NOUNS in Spanish to suit apparent sex, but not usually proper ones, and how many women could Ditzy have POSSIBLY met with a feminine version of Mario? Not a big deal, but calling names IS PART OF HER JOB.

    …and there was the time my Company tried to fire “Amadou Diallo”, and fired TWO of them before they fired the RIGHT one. The other two got back pay, but again, of HR is your JOB, don’t you want to at least LOOK before you discharge someone with a VERY common name?

    …so in his way, Pedo is the perfect emblem of our times and a bellwether of where America is truly headed. Spiteful, vindictive, tyrannical, perverted, demented, grasping and ungracious, one who mocks God and serves satan no matter what damage it does to the very people he’s supposed to protect, sadly he IS an avitar of what the Communists have managed to turn America into.

    I hope they come for us soon. I don’t want to live in the world they have ruined, and taking a few of them to hell with me when its Boxcar Time is as good a hill as any to die on.

    God wins, in the end, true.

    But satan gets a good long stint before THAT happens.

    And Pedo would seem a good indicator that the devil’s time has long since started.

  2. SNS – You say you may not be good at putting names to faces, but I would wager that in such a position you would make it a priority. Good people step up to the plate and do what is required!

  3. @ SNS: I’m with ya 100%, especially when you said “I hope they come for us soon.” My wish exactly. I’m tired of the threats and the waiting and would like to get this settled one way or the other. As you said it’s truly a hill to die on. But I like what Patton said, “Let the other dumb son of a bitch die for HIS country.”

  4. Dry gulched
    JUNE 11, 2022 AT 9:47 AM

    “…But I like what Patton said, “Let the other dumb son of a bitch die for HIS country.””

    …I like that too, along with this lesser-known quote from a Christopher Walken movie, 1980s “The Dogs of War”, that goes something like this…

    “Col. Bobi: [of his troops] They’ll die for Zangaro!

    Shannon: Be more help to me if they fight.”

    …I recommend that movie, its prime Christopher Walken in a really good role as a mercenary leader. This clip doesn’t do it justice, but it’s a start…

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