Residents Call 911 to Report ‘Strange Light’ in California Sky – IOTW Report

Residents Call 911 to Report ‘Strange Light’ in California Sky

Breitbart: Startled residents of southern California and Arizona placed a record number of 911 calls Friday evening after witnessing a strange streak of white light in the sky.

Hundreds of people who witnessed the spectacle told local television news stations and law enforcement that the white light appeared to resemble a fish shape.

In Los Angeles County alone, more than 130 people called 911 to report the phenomenon, as speculation about the light’s source reached its peak.

Some people said the mysterious light could be the sign of a UFO or alien species, while others thought the light signaled a potential nuclear strike from North Korea.

Law enforcement officials informed residents that the light originated from a SpaceX rocket launch at Vandenberg Air Force Base in central California.  MORE

SNIP: Ah, that makes sense. It’s Elon Musk’s project. No wonder the streak was shaped like a douche nozzle.

16 Comments on Residents Call 911 to Report ‘Strange Light’ in California Sky

  1. The incredible thing is, even though the Air Force has been launching missiles and producing trails exactly like this for 50 years, there’s a large percentage of dumbasses that inhabit that part of the planet. Hence the histrionics. It is pretty cool, though.

  2. @ a non a moose
    “They had to call the police! Why? Didn’t they think the police would notice?”
    This… I am often befuddled by people calling 911 for everything! WTF?

    “Speaking the truth in times of universal deceit is a revolutionary act.” Geo. Orwell

  3. Ditto on the snip.
    Also, people are dumber than anybody and now they got “smart” phones, they call 911 on Christmas decorations, shorted mcnuggets and sky rockets in the night.
    I lived in the socal desert for years, a haven for flying objects day and night….always inspired pride and amazement in the USA for me, not dumb-assery.

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