Residents of Woodlawn, Chicago Vent Anger at Leaders Over Illegal Immigrants: ‘They Rob us, They Harass us’ – IOTW Report

Residents of Woodlawn, Chicago Vent Anger at Leaders Over Illegal Immigrants: ‘They Rob us, They Harass us’

“Let me say this – they’ve got one more time to deal with it, because otherwise, next time they deal with it, they’re going to deal with it from the streets. We’re going to take over,” a man said. “Nobody is going to be able to stop us from what we’re going to do to them.” MORE

27 Comments on Residents of Woodlawn, Chicago Vent Anger at Leaders Over Illegal Immigrants: ‘They Rob us, They Harass us’

  1. “Nobody is going to be able to stop us from what we’re going to do to them.”
    Aaaaa, don’t telegraph your intentions….. get organized and act!

  2. Do not send republican operatives in there!
    That gives the Democrats in power there an opportunity to flip the script.
    This is a buy more popcorn moment.

  3. Rob them and harass them?? HA! it’s the other way around, I’m sure. Plus they’re just pissed that those ‘migrants’ get MONEY and they don’t. It’s always about MONEY… but it is amusing to listen to them complain. A Democrat stronghold that would NEVER vote otherwise.

  4. Many years ago (something like 40 years) I worked with a Hispanic man who was from Portales, New Mexico. I don’t remember how it came up, but he said he hated illegal immigrants (he actually called them wet****s). I was surprised and asked why he felt that way. He said it was because of their “attitude”. From what I’ve read it seems that the attitude of illegals has become worse.

  5. Still wondering why the government doesn’t require them to be vaccinated when they were pushing that hard on the rest of us?
    Must’ve been because they didn’t want to kill them off like us?

  6. From the article:
    “ If Republicans were smart, they would send operatives into this community and others with a simple message.

    You want this to stop? Put us in charge for once.”

    Only problem is when the republicans are “in charge” they don’t do anything to stop illegal immigration, either.

  7. @ Tony R AT 10:20 AM

    The Republican establishment are every bit as destructive, if not more so, worse than Democrats. A wolf you know is a wolf vs a wolf in sheep’s clothing.

  8. I saw this shit coming in the 1960’s and was born in 1959. It took it being personally impacted to give a shit. I have no sympathy for the situation they put themselves in. I am indifferent to their personal suffering.

  9. Incredible. Oh, sure, we’re harassed, robbed, carjacked, murdered by Obama sons but they’re our Obama sons. We don’t need no steenkin’ illegals doin’ that. Got it.

  10. Oh, boo, hoo.

    You encouraged it when the ILLGALS swarmed over the border in the southern states.

    The property owners spoke loudly of the physical and mental threats they faced all day and night.

    It’s your turn. You allow the ILLEGALS free access, they think it is access to anything.

  11. Will this straighten the locals up? Obviously, voting republican isn’t the answer as the GOP is in lockstep with the communists.

    Dare we imagine a day when our melanin enhanced brothers and sisters awaken and insist in a very active and LOCAL way on imposing law and order? Is this a possible beginning of an awareness of respect for, nay, even love of community?

    A vicious attack on the nation turned into a renewed, or newfound respect for the basis of, the fundamentals of, our union? What wonderful blowback that would be!

  12. This is an opportunity for Republicans. Create activist groups in these communities on what it is to be an American. Use street agitation in a new way. Make the pendulum swing back.

  13. Here is where it is going to get really entertaining. There is no group more likely to go mid evil on the self identified masterminds than those the latter have inculcated with a monumental sense of entitlement. When they turn on the fuckers it’s going to be Katie bar the door. Academics Nd Hollywood fuckwits may think they will escape their wrath, it they are the ones the politicians are going to throw into the crowd first to try and save their own sorry assets.

    Finger pointing, disloyalty and intrigue are woven into the prog methodology

  14. Jeb! in the ’15 “debates’ said OPERATION WETBACK would never work. Then he said if OPERATION WETBACK were done the deficit would grow asymtotically! Jeb’s statements were both lies!

    Not only did OPERATION WETBACK work (for all but our “betters” the “elite”!) but 3 of the next 4years costs for: hospitals, insurance, jails, deputies… had been cut so much the feds ran a BUDGET SURpLUS!

    Bush Clan are all liars!

    The only time in the last 80 years any Bush Clan member spoke honestly was in ’06 when GWB said,”I hope I’m the last Republican president!” Immediately the leftist Fox “news” Karl “whiteboard” Marx said he meant to say NOT! Karl is also a liar!

    I went to Detention 3 times in high school defending Ike; teachers calling him a “White nationalist” were wrong. I did not say liars. My sister did; and was kicked out of school for 3days. She only called 1 liberal a liar; so only had one grad degraded ! My JR, year in college I came home to there my high school Valedictorian speak. MY SIS!


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