Resign – IOTW Report


Kurt Schlichter| Townhall:
Rip those stars off your pathetic nostalgia costumes and resign. Quit. Tell that crusty Pinocchio in the White House and the faculty lounge Geppettos tugging his strings that you will have no more to do with his human centipede of failure in Kabul. 

It’s not hard – your stars are right there, generals, right on the shoulders of those new uniforms you decided to adopt with the express purpose of evoking World War II and the memory of victory over a modern, peer-competitor military. Maybe, you thought, wearing winner’s gear would ease the pain of getting creamed by a bunch of Seventh Century throwbacks.

Yeah, we know your boss is a senile old fool with delusions of competence. His failure will be addressed at the ballot box. But your failure, generals and admirals, is something only you can address, at least until President DeSantis comes and separates the wheat from the chaff in the Pentagon.

Yeah, we know, you have to follow the orders of the civilian authorities – though not if it’s Trump, since he was not part of the in-crowd you aspired to join as adjunct military members. Your passive-aggressive mutiny against the guy the American people elected set back civil-military relations 250 years. You took the one institution most Americans still trusted and turned it into a roiling cauldron of hot garbage. And don’t try to hide behind “You gotta support the troops.” We do. But you suck, and we know you suck, and you know you suck. more

21 Comments on Resign

  1. You have to have enough brains to know when you’ve failed. Some people don’t. Keep ignoring the truth and keep justifying your action that has cost American lives so you feel good. Don’t think for a moment that someone else might have had a better plan and never call defeat – defeat. But do it with your own family and friends not ours if you don’t mind.

  2. Bitterly clinging to their ill-gotten promotions, perks, contracting kickbacks, and retirements.
    Pre-eminent ass-suckers.
    Probably licked more asses than Buttigieg.
    They sold out America long ago and have no conscience about it, whatsoever.
    Traitors all; like that Vindman maggot and Milley.

    izlamo delenda est …

  3. Quote of the week:

    The British Royal Navy used to shoot admirals for failure to encourage the others. I note that when this innovative personnel incentive program was in effect, Britannia ruled the waves.

  4. Seppuku, sometimes referred to as Harakiri is an honorable death.

    Those associated with and orchestrated the Afghanistan carnage are prohibited from using Seppuku, this ritual death is reserved for Honorable Warriors to restore Honor upon themselves and their families.

    One MUST have possessed Honor for it to be restored. What honor the Joint Chiefs and many other generals may have possessed is not restorable.

    Live, resign and bear the weight of shame for shirking your sworn responsibility.

  5. Every graduate of OCS, ROTC, or even West POINT, should serve the first four years of his “career” anonymously in the enlisted ranks. Maybe we would have some clear thinking officers.

  6. Theory – Maybe this tally-bon takeover was planned and negotiated by the big staters to undermine President Trump’s second term if he won, but when the cheat was successful and “bidentures” was selected the momentum was too far and they couldn’t force the tally-bon to stop.

  7. Jethro: Interesting thought, but Trump would have fired Miley before this. Trump paid attention to the details, and he would have not let this debacle get anywhere near the critical point.

    I know our former allies are pissed at the US, but I can’t say I have too much sympathy for them. Most of them did as much as anybody to undermine Trump. Up here in the Great White North, we have ads bragging that Fidel Jr. “stood up to Trump on NAFTA.” Maybe that’s why the Soy Boy PM is getting booed everywhere he goes. They canceled and appearance in Ontario. Ontario! That would be like Obama canceling an appearance in San Francisco. They are blaming it it on protests about COVID. While maybe that may be the kindling, the match is Afghanistan. Now is not the time to say you “stood up” to Trump. The world, or at least our side of it, is wishing that Trump was still living on Pennsylvania Avenue right now.

    The world has seen failure, and it is Biden.

  8. Wait… Has anyone asked that renowned hero and brain trust Lt. Col. Vindman if this complete clusterfuck in Afghanstan meets his exacting requirements for what is impeachable and what isn’t? I know it’s not as horrible and ghastly as President Trump asking a fucking question to the President of Ukraine on how they’re spending our aid, but it does seem to have a lot more dead bodies involved.

  9. If the Democrats could fight wars as well as they execute Election Fraud, we would have obliterated all of our many enemies throughout the World, and would have nothing to worry about!

    President Donald J Trump

  10. resign?! how about suffer some real consequences
    these are crimes against humanity on top of full blown treason
    the tropical gitmo facility is way too nice
    they need to do hard time in a harsh climate

  11. “Firing squad would suffice for me. Plug em and forget em.”
    Too quick. And a soldier’s death.
    Hang em … after about 6 months of … well … y’know … do that old Stalin thing with em.
    Come to think of it, Stalin burned traitors at the stake – after softening up.

    izlamo delenda est …

  12. This cadre should be forced to wear those giant North Korea general hats, and their ribbons and medals should extend down their pant legs. We can dispense justice later.

  13. @Walter Johnson — You just reminded me! Fat boy has some good ideas on how to get rid of under-performing govt and military upper management. My favorite was when he had one ripped apart and eaten by starving guard dogs. A close second was when the firing squad didn’t use their regular rifles and instead used an anti-aircraft cannon.


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