RESIST de Blasio: Orthodox Jews ‘Liberate’ NYC Playground in Provocative Move – IOTW Report

RESIST de Blasio: Orthodox Jews ‘Liberate’ NYC Playground in Provocative Move

PJM: Just one day after a Jewish NYC lawmaker promised to “cut off the chains” to reopen the city’s playgrounds, three members of an informal #RESIST group did just that.

On Sunday, State Sen. Simcha Felder “slammed” NYC Mayor Bill de Blasio — both Democrats — for refusing to re-open playgrounds in Jewish neighborhoods.

Then on Monday, the Daily News reported that “members of the Orthodox Jewish community used bolt cutters to ‘liberate’ a Brooklyn playground the city welded shut.”

The gate had been welded shut by city workers after 25 previous #RESISTANCE acts of cutting chains that had closed the playground to NYC kids, predominantly Jewish.

ASIDE: I’ve liberated the #RESIST tag from the Left because this is what real resistance to genuinely arbitrary authority looks like.

De Blasio had resisted reopening playgrounds on so-called “public safety” concerns about COVID-19, while at the same time allowing — and even encouraging — demonstrations like this one: MORE

15 Comments on RESIST de Blasio: Orthodox Jews ‘Liberate’ NYC Playground in Provocative Move

  1. Comrade Wilhelm will just have those filthy jews arrested and thrown in jail, right after he frees up some more space by releasing rioters and violent felons.

  2. Hmmm. I think you might be wrong on that.
    On the other hand, De Blasio spelled backwards spells Put that Jew in the oven and be done with him.

    I’m in a particularly foul mood this evening.

    We are being rolled by democrats at every level now and their love of dictatorship and dictatorial power has reached epic proportion.

  3. Select the correct answer.

    De Blasio spelled backwards is.

    (a) “Uranus Tranny”
    (b) “Ileum-Cecum Epilepsy”
    (c) “Rectal Shitapillar”
    (d) “Intestinal Tapeworm”
    (e) “NY Dillweed Roofgarden”

  4. @Horatio Prim – there was a famous pogrom in Crown Heights Brooklyn under the failure of the Dinkins administration, you may remember.

    An Australian Jewish guy, Yankel Rosenbaum, was murdered after someone ELSE mistakenly ran over a black child during a funeral procession of all things.

    This has been goin’ on since 1991 (in NYC) in one form or another and back to 1968.


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