Resistance is expensive! – IOTW Report

Resistance is expensive!


Hillary’s New Political Group Has Little To Show For In First Four Months — Besides Taking Money.

In the four months since Hillary Clinton officially launched her new political group, Onward Together, the group has done little besides soliciting donations from Clinton supporters.

When Clinton went public with her group on May 15 she said the group would be partnering with five left-wing political groups: Indivisible, Swing Left, Color of Change, Emerge America and Run for Something.

But four months later, it’s unclear what the group’s donors have to show for their money. Onward Together’s website still has just two tabs: one explaining the group’s mission and one asking supporters for donations.

An email signed by Clinton asking supporters for money last week excused her group’s lack of action. “You may not have heard much about the work we’re doing at Onward Together,” Clinton wrote. “That’s because we’re working behind the scene to fund, support, and amplify the work of the groups we’re supporting. We’re not the story: they are.” She closed the email by asking supporters to commit to a recurring monthly donation.  MORE

14 Comments on Resistance is expensive!

  1. “…we’re working behind the scene to fund, support, and amplify the work of the groups we’re supporting. We’re not the story: they are.”

    IOW, pay no attention to that foundation behind the curtain. Somewhere, a new secret server is spinning up. Probably in Chelsea’s condo. Freaking termites. Kill the queen.

  2. Sign me up! I’ll match any money that Fidel Castro and Che Guevara contribute. I see dead donors. I see a dead Onward Together political group. Her What Happened book tour will be the death of Onward Together. Who would have thought that President Elect Hillary Clinton could serve up so much pleasure along the way to the dustbin of history?

  3. Hahaha. Hahahahahahahahaha. Bwaaahahahahahahahahahaha.

    BWAAAAAaaahahahahahahahahahahahahahahaha * snort * hahahahahaha

    “has done little besides soliciting donations”


  4. Have never heard of a person who could develop more ways to separate emotional fools from their money. Hillary will put this money in the bank with all her other ill gotten gains. She’s gonna die miserable, unremorseful, and filthy rich. Perhaps a Christian could tell her she can’t take all that money with her. But that Christian is afraid of winding up in Fort Marcy Park.

  5. Multi-millionaire asking for recurring donations from the little people she has hoodwinked.

    They deserve being robbed. I hope they give until they need to live under a bridge somewhere. Preferably one set for demolition at night.

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