Resistance To Trump’s Voter Data Request May Be Wildly Overstated – IOTW Report

Resistance To Trump’s Voter Data Request May Be Wildly Overstated


Headlines have sprung up all over the liberal media this week about the open revolt against Kansas Secretary of State Kris Kobach and the broad request for voter data he issued to the states.

Reports said 44 states and the District of Columbia have outright refused to fulfill the requests from President Trump’s voter fraud commission.

Brian Frosh, the attorney general of Maryland, called the request “repugnant” and said the commission’s only purpose was to “intimidate voters and indulge President Trump’s fantasy that he won the popular vote.”

High-population liberal states, such as California and New York, refused immediately, saying the problem was non-existent and the commission merely an effort to suppress votes.

Even Delbert Hoseman, the Republican secretary of state of deeply red Mississippi, said, said he would not fulfill the request, although his concerns appear to be about state control of elections.

But is the opposition that significant?

Kobach labeled the stories that 44 states refused to comply “patently false” and yet another example of “fake news.” He said 14 states and the District of Columbia have refused to provide the data, 20 have agreed to do it and the rest are looking into their own state laws to determine what can be turned over.


4 Comments on Resistance To Trump’s Voter Data Request May Be Wildly Overstated

  1. The only edge the left has besides buying votes in a number of ways, is fraud. They’ll defend that like rabid wolves. When the extent of the cheating is exposed to the general public Trump will have been proven correct and their base will collapse.

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