Restaurant Owner Who Pointed Out LA Outdoor Ban Hypocrisy Takes the Fight to Gavin Newsom – IOTW Report

Restaurant Owner Who Pointed Out LA Outdoor Ban Hypocrisy Takes the Fight to Gavin Newsom


Angela Marsden, the owner of Pineapple Hill Saloon & Grill, and her legal team are not satisfied with just targeting Los Angeles County’s outdoor dining ban. They are now taking their lawsuit against Gov. Gavin Newsom in hopes to overturn the non-science-backed ban across the entire state.

Marsden is now a plaintiff in the suit being brought against Newsom, California Attorney General Xavier Becerra, and Acting State Health Officer at California Department of Public Health Erica Pan.

“Defendants, in a gross abuse of their power, have seized the Coronavirus pandemic to expand their lengths, depriving [Marsden] and all similarly situated small businesses owners in California of fundamental rights protected by the U.S. and California Constitutions, including freedom assembly and due process and equal protection under the law,” the lawsuit says. read more

7 Comments on Restaurant Owner Who Pointed Out LA Outdoor Ban Hypocrisy Takes the Fight to Gavin Newsom

  1. Hope this suit is successful but I have my doubts it will be.

    Not that I doubt the validity of the claims it makes, but that I doubt the Courts desire to rule in their favor instead of against them.

  2. I have this hope that Noisome develops drug-resistant “maskne” or viral rosacea the ends up rotting his lips off, but he wears a mask so seldom I’m afraid that’ll never happen. Alas.

    I guess my best hope is that he chokes to death on a chunk of Wagyu beef at the French Laundry.

  3. Sadly it looks as if the only thing that will get our rights back is a armed demand with force. If you want them back be prepared to use anger and force so the message is clearly understood as to just who is running the show.

  4. The data supports her position!
    Just thisafternoon,using CNN numbers of 17,000,000 odd cases…
    358,000 odd deaths: the percentage is 0.0180,
    I entered the precise numbers,
    Below 2% of the cases,
    There is NO statistical justification for lockdown.
    No epidemic to look at, this is all Fauci and Quirks bedwetting.


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