Results: WV, IN, OH, NC Primaries – IOTW Report

13 Comments on Results: WV, IN, OH, NC Primaries

  1. …but that wave that’s coming in November…blue, they say, since Americans love Karl Marx and all of his followers. And we’re going to have to listen to them babble for the next 6 months.

  2. @MJA, I live in a 2 stop light town in a red county in a red state (Ohio) and the turn out was the heaviest I’ve seen outside a Presidential election. 3 tables for 3 precincts and all had lines, as well as, a short wait for the approximately 15 voting machines. The hicks were out today. The only thing missing was the Lutheran ladies bake sale table. They could have made a bundle.

    Well p*ss on it. State results so far show that mealy mouthed Constitution hater DeWhiner winning over Mary Taylor. Taylor started gaining too late. 57% of the vote in.

  3. Euginia-Dewine is gonna be a problem for us. Get ready to hear the go to catch phrase “ common sense gun reform” from this 40 year public employee. He is a lot closer to Sherrod Brown than most know. On the plus side, I will send Fur a picture of the 4×8 sign I want to put in my yard for November. It will simply say “ time to flush Brown down”
    I am going to seek some legal advise on information I have on Brown. Not sure how much I can say, even though true, without him causing me legal troubles. I can’t afford playing hardball unless I hit the lotto before then. I will say he was supposedly my neighbor years ago. Sure he bought the house, but he didn’t actually live there. Also, there was a certain someone who pulled some strings on appraisals for said property. The only one who really got hurt on that deal was the poor guy who bought it from him.

  4. i live in west virginia…..i wanted to vote for blankenship, if only to avenge his railroading for the mine disaster, which was in NO WAY his fault…..29 dead, and he gets a year in prison????….seriously???…that in itself proves he’s been railroaded… year????? that’s the best they could do????

    but then…..the DONALD told me not to vote for the don….so i didn’t vote, and left it for God to sort out…..

    …amazingly, the person i would have voted for before blankenship entered the race, ended up winning….


    ….and now…….let’s get RID of joe manchin…….

  5. and off topic, but apropos…….we should have toadly called for a “special council” to investigate obama’s birth certificate, two months before his inauguration…….just think how much damage we could have prevented with a “special council” investigating everything obama ever did in his life…..


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