Retailers Say NYC Is the “Worst Place to do Business in America” – IOTW Report

Retailers Say NYC Is the “Worst Place to do Business in America”

Dan Bongino:

The following is an excerpt from my forthcoming book “Dumb and Dumber: How Cuomo and De Blasio Ruined New York.”

The default economic illiteracy of liberal leaders remained intact during the pandemic this year. The states that saw both the most coronavirus deaths per capita and highest increases in unemployment were blue states, and blue states continue to lead the nation in unemployment.

The extent to which the economic damage during the pandemic is weighted between the virus itself and the lockdowns is still debated, but there’s no doubt that stringent lockdowns greatly exacerbate the damage initially, and then prolong it because of how slow leaders have been in lifting them. And regardless, New York saw the worst of both worlds, having imposed a strict lockdown (far too late to have the needed effect, it seems) and being among the states hardest hit by the virus.

The nonprofit Partnership for New York City, which consists of a select group of nearly three hundred CEOs from NYC’s top firms, released a depressing “post pandemic” report estimating the permanent damage the lockdowns will have for businesses. The report, aided by twelve global consulting firms, found that a third of the city’s 230,000 small businesses may never reopen. more

8 Comments on Retailers Say NYC Is the “Worst Place to do Business in America”

  1. Rupert Smedley Hepplewhite NOVEMBER 7, 2020 AT 5:42 AM
    “Sacco and Vanzetti face a lot of questions that need an answer; historians might not be as kind as these two would like.”

    …History is written by the winners, and right at this particular moment, it doesn’t look like history is going to be written by anyone particuarly interested in the truth…

  2. It took Mitch Mcconnel only a couple of days after the election to say that, yes, he will, after all, consider bailing out states and cities.

    How in the world can any republican possibly still think that the republican party is going to save them from anything. Good grief.

  3. ‘Retailers Say NYC Is the “Worst Place to do Business in America”’

    …and yet they still do business there.

    …so just WHO is the stupid one in that relationship again…


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