Retailers Tracking Customer Returns Through Third Party to Deny Refunds – IOTW Report

Retailers Tracking Customer Returns Through Third Party to Deny Refunds

Breitbart: Retailers are quietly keeping score of the refund history of customers in a trend toward suspending return policies for unsatisfied customers.

Best Buy is one of the many retailers employing services like The Retail Equation. Using an undisclosed method, the company tracks customers who return items just before closing time, return items that are often stolen, and even those who merely return things too often.

Despite the average rate of fraudulent returns hovering around a mere one percent, retailers have decided this is enough excuse to require scanning your driver’s license before they will follow their own touted company policies. It isn’t without excuse — according to the NBC report, roughly $22.8 billion is lost annually in fraudulent returns. Unfortunately, aggressive tactics like these not only inconvenience legitimate customers but invade their privacy.


Jake Zakhar is one such example. A Best Buy customer who claims to have recently spent $5,000 on appliances in the store, he was banned from returning any product for a full year after trying to return three cell phone cases he bought as Christmas gifts and attempted to return well within the supposed 90-day return policy.

The retailer’s response to his tweet wasn’t encouraging.

20 Comments on Retailers Tracking Customer Returns Through Third Party to Deny Refunds

  1. I’ve met people who bragged about gaming return policies. They’re usually total cunts, the kind of people I avoid once I see how unethical they operate on all levels.

    Capitalism only works properly when slimy cunts and socialists are removed from the transactions.

  2. Ten years ago, bought two camera’s at Best Buy. Was going to let wifey decide which one she wanted, return the other. Prior approval from salesman. Return process was painful and time consuming, plus a restocking fee for a package not even opened. Have not been in their stores since. Surprised they’re still in business.

  3. I am down with retailers cutting off the bastards who drive up prices I pay by returning everything and everything for refund. It is one thing to have a return policy that takes care of CUSTOMERS, it is another altogether to have CUSTOMERS pay the freight for FREELOADERS.

    I used to run a retail shooting and hunting counter and once had a guy try to return a scope after the hunting season had ended. I said I will gladly pack it and pay the postage for you, but no way, no how are you getting a refund. His wife then chimed in: Do you want a woman’s opinion? I said: no. He says: Is that the final word. I said: No, get the fuck out of here and don’t come back is the final word.

    Other customers were watching as this went down and although the pair claimed to be doing us a great service by patronizing our store, they had cost us money on every transaction I can ever recall taking place in which they were involved. To my surprise a couple other customers where members of the same sportsman’s club as these two and they came forward and told me how they loved to brag about how they had once again screwed Xxxxxxx over, when in fact what they were doing was screwing our customers over who were also the same club members they were bragging to.

  4. This has been a problem for years. Do you know how many big screen TVs are sold before the Super Bowl and rented the Monday after?

    Just like everything, those who game the system ruin it for everyone else.

  5. Ah PHenry, you are so right. I work with a guy that is a total asshole. He gets stuff from Best Buy to see how he likes it then returns it if he can find a better price on ebay or amazon.
    He did brag about getting a HUGE flat screen to set up in his garage for a big superbowl party and then returned it a week later.

    As for Best Buy, I have returned several items both personal and work related and have never had a bad experience. Staff has always been courteous and professional. I was even there today, looking for a telescope for my grandson. I hit several stores in town and it seems computer games and drones are all they have. Guess I’ll have to order one online for him. I want something that will stimulate his brain and let him be outdoors, not sitting in front of a computer.

  6. This kind of stuff goes back forever.

    When I ran the music & video department at the Navy Exchange in Naples Italy, back when Beta and VHS movies were ridiculously expensive, like $90, I had to deal with a repeat customer who would buy, watch, return as defective constantly.

    Granted, the ideal model at that time would have been rental, which hadn’t yet been invented, but still, NEX, sided with this guy repeatedly. My company had to eat it.

  7. My wife and daughter both have worked in women’s clothing store management the people that buy stuff on Thursday and returning on Sunday after they’ve worn it is unbelievable, plus the people that buy online and then take it back to the store after they have used it for a refund.

  8. I have actually returned a clothing item that I had purchased five years before.
    It was at TJ Maxx.
    I bought a similar item and returned the item I had only worn once and put away.
    I just used the new tags and receipts.
    I know I am not the first.

  9. I stopped going to Best Buy after trying to buy a radio and having the little asshole salesman insist that I buy the protection plan. I declined (I don’t buy any protection plan) and he said well if something is wrong with it you can’t return it. I said well guess what bucko, there’s something wrong with what you just told me. You need to put this back on the shelf Dick, and I handed him the radio and walked out!

  10. I had a girlfriend that wore 3 Ladies dress suits for work. Well she gained weight,that doesn’t happen overnight.
    So she purchased 3 Identical suits in the next size,removed the tags,returned the first 3. Thought it was funny. She made very good money. I never went shopping with her again. I was appalled.

  11. We probably ALL know these scrunts. I attempt to distance myself from them. I also respond in the negative when they brag about their theft. I hate liars and thieves and have endeavored to be neither most of my life.
    “Speaking the truth in times of universal deceit is a revolutionary act.” Geo. Orwell

  12. Didn’t we hear a story about a woman who returned a “live” Christmas tree to Walmart in January?

    Legitimate returns? I’m good with that. Scammers disgust me.

  13. My local grocery store will take back & refund food. Walmart just refunded a bottle of mouth wash.

    I just said I tried whatever and didn’t like it. No snow job, the customer is always right.

  14. I splurged on a set of Biltmore all cotton, high thread count sheets, on sale. Loved them. Waited for the next annual sale, bought another set. Disappointed to realize they must have moved production to a cheaper factory. Folding them after the first wash, I checked the tag: They weren’t Biltmore… Someone had switched sheets, putting 200 count poly blend sheets in the Biltmore package and checking out with Biltmore sheets in the cheapo package!
    Without much hope, I took them back to Belk department store and told my sad story. The saleslady rolled her eyes and told me it wasn’t the first time, and let me exchange them for the real thing.
    And people wonder why retail is struggling…

  15. This is one reason why I am so glad I was able to have a career where I didn’t have to
    come in contact with the public every day. It was bad enough just having to deal with
    some co-workers who were supposed to be helping out, but didn’t always act that way.


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