Retired Air Force General Bacon Gets Called Out For Pushing A Globalist Agenda While Wrapping Himself In The Flag – IOTW Report

Retired Air Force General Bacon Gets Called Out For Pushing A Globalist Agenda While Wrapping Himself In The Flag

Armed Forces Press:

At Armed Forces Press we believe it’s fine to hold differing opinions, and have robust debate, in fact we call for it.

However, wrapping yourself in the flag as a warrior for America, while subverting the republic by pushing an agenda of foreign globalist powers, like the southern border invasion, bankrupting the nation, cutting off children’s genitals, and destroying the very military who gave you prestige, is simply not okay.

BG Don Bacon (USAF, Ret) of Nebraska is being called out for that very thing.

He has rabidly pushed an anti-America First agenda by leading the fight against Jim Jordan for speaker of the house and calls American patriots Nazis. more here

10 Comments on Retired Air Force General Bacon Gets Called Out For Pushing A Globalist Agenda While Wrapping Himself In The Flag

  1. Apparently one cannot obtain the rank of General (or Admiral) unless one is a well-known and vocal traitor, maggot, and/or pervert.

    This maggot should be stripped of his pension and left to the tender mercies of the WEF and “Santa” Klaus Schwab.
    He’s probably already on the payroll of every anti-American outfit on Earth.

    mortem tyrannis
    izlamo delenda est …


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