Retired CIA officer: Is Eric Swalwell a spy for the Chinese? – IOTW Report

Retired CIA officer: Is Eric Swalwell a spy for the Chinese?

American Thinker: I first became aware of Rep. Eric Swalwell (D-Calif.) several years ago, when he was a semi-regular guest on Tucker Carlson Tonight.  Swalwell didn’t appear to be very bright, usually puking forth the party line minus any real thought or substance.  Tucker routinely chewed him up and spat him out, making him look like the shallow simpleton he is.  After a few months, the guest spots stopped, probably because Swalwell was tired of being humiliated on national television.  It’s hard to debate someone whose mental faculties far exceed your own.  At least Swalwell was smart enough to figure that out.  

Then came the election of Donald Trump, and this previously obscure party hack suddenly rose to national prominence.  Essentially a hod carrier for his mentor and idol, the pathological Adam Schiff, Swalwell became a darling of the mainstream media.  He dutifully followed Schiff around, repeating the lies about Russia collusion ad nauseam.  Swalwell used his innocent, boy-next-door persona to sound the alarm about Trump’s threat to national security.  The fawning media accepted it all without question, treating him as a bulwark against Evil Orange Man and the threat he posed to national security.

Swalwell became so impressed with himself that he made a run for his party’s 2020 presidential nomination.  That didn’t work out too well, as he withdrew from the race without appearing on a single primary ballot.  Apparently, the Democrat electorate were not yet enlightened enough to understand what they were missing.

Then came Fang Fang.

16 Comments on Retired CIA officer: Is Eric Swalwell a spy for the Chinese?

  1. Inquiring minds want to know. Did he bang bang Fang Fang with his wang wang? And when his phone rang rang and the feds confronted him, did he sang sang so he wouldn’t hang hang?

  2. Is Swallwel a spy? That’s something for the CIA’s new “Mission Center or China” to cover. Or cover up, more likely. Better watch your mouth, Faddis. You might run afoul of the new woke CIA.


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