Retired three-star general Gary Volesky suspended after tweet at Jill Biden – IOTW Report

Retired three-star general Gary Volesky suspended after tweet at Jill Biden

NYPost: The Army suspended a three-star general after he appeared to make fun of First Lady Jill Biden.

Retired lieutenant general Gary Volesky, a former spokesman for the Army, responded to a tweet from Biden about the Supreme Court decision overturning Roe v. Wade, in which the First Lady remarked that women’s rights had been “stolen.”

Biden tweeted that “for nearly 50 years, women have had the right to make our own decisions about our bodies. Today, that right was stolen from us.”

Volesky responded, “Glad to see you finally know what a woman is.”

Volesky’s tweet has since been taken down.

The Army suspended Volesky, who had signed a $92 an hour contract to advise active duty officers as a mentor, while it conducts an investigation, according to USA TODAY. Volesky was formerly in charge of the Army’s 101st Airborne Division. more here

18 Comments on Retired three-star general Gary Volesky suspended after tweet at Jill Biden

  1. Again I refer to a great (IMHO)article 4 years ago in A Thinker on how 2 lefty Presidents named George made the Pentagon WOKE! I voted for lefty #1 I DID NOT VOTE FOR LEFTY #2! Learned my leson well!
    Volesky shows it is still WOKE!

  2. Well, if that’s all the fine General had to say about Jill, it’s petty-ass to suspend a General for free speech. Puddinghead Joe, why not go after your son Humper for hating Jill:

    “And you do know the drunkest I’ve ever been is still smarter than you could ever even comprehend and you’re a shut (sic) grammar teacher that wouldn’t survive one class in a ivy graduate program.”

    Plenty more, Humper calls Jill a slut, moron, and a free loader. LMAO!

  3. Volesky is an idiot

    Any buck private fresh out of basic knows there is no such thing as free speech in the military. You can’t go on twitter and call your C.O. a dipshit.

    Was his comment innocuous? of course, but this is the political climate we find ourselves in and a retired 3-star should know what kind of limp dicked pussies we have now running the military.

    Honestly, unless you got F.U. money, are a Kardashian or Trump, why would anybody post on Twitter, especially about a hot topic issue like gender?

  4. @Rich Taylor…

    Marine LTC Stuart Scheller comes to mind. They’re not done making an example of Volesky yet. The grovel has not yet begun.

    And if I were going to retort to Doctor Jill about her “lost rights”, I’d start with the jab mandates.

  5. “Dr.” Jill and Dementia Joe assume they can identify things that have been “stolen”, since they participated in stealing the 2020 Presidential election.

  6. “Biden tweeted that “for nearly 50 years, women have had the right to make our own decisions about our bodies. Today, that right was stolen from us.”

    …says the whore who’s pedophile husband stole the right to refuse to participate in unlawful medical experiments of deadly fake vaxxines…

  7. “The Army suspended Volesky, who had signed a $92 an hour contract to advise active duty officers as a mentor …”

    They didn’t suspend his retirement, or his pension, but his post-retirement contract to mentor active duty officers.

    And that’s the most milquetoast comment to get suspended over that I’ve ever read.

    mortem tyrannis
    izlamo delenda est …


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