Retiring Dem senator: When you talk ‘Medicare for All,’ you ‘start losing people in my state’ – IOTW Report

Retiring Dem senator: When you talk ‘Medicare for All,’ you ‘start losing people in my state’

AT: The week between Christmas and New Year after an election is usually filled with retiring (or defeated) politicians summing up their careers and giving the benefit of their wisdom – or lack thereof – to their colleagues.

Outgoing Indiana senator Joe Donnelly made an appearance on CNN, where he warned his liberal Democratic colleagues that pushing “Medicare for All” in 2020 will doom the party’s chances.


When asked by CNN’s Dana Bash on “The Lead With Jake Tapper” if Democrats could be viable without appealing to interior state votes, Donnelly replied, “I don’t know how you do that.”

Donnelly said that during President Donald Trump’s visits to Indiana in the weeks before the midterms – in which Donnelly lost his seat – the President made not voting for Republicans seem like a personal betrayal by voters.

“We have not made enough of a connection … that the people of my state understand culturally, we (Democrats) want to make sure you succeed,” he said.

“But when you talk ‘Medicare-for-all’ … you start losing the people in my state,” Donnelly added.  “When we start talking about, ‘Hey, we’re going to work together with the insurance companies to lower premiums,’ that’s what connects.”

“The talk on the coasts just doesn’t get it done in the middle,” he said.

What Donnelly is saying is that a Democratic candidate for president who wins the nomination by pushing “Medicare for All” won’t necessarily do well in the general election.  more here

6 Comments on Retiring Dem senator: When you talk ‘Medicare for All,’ you ‘start losing people in my state’

  1. I think the richy rich liberals who want “ Medicare for all” support it only as cover to their friends. They don’t want to be on it anymore than the rest of us. They are “elite” and assume there will be a tiered system for them and another for the great unwashed.

    Lefties I know love Obamacare until they had to be on it. Now, they pay a fee to a broker who has better access to other coverage not available on the General Healthcare Finder. They want to buy insurance across state lines essentially-but if you say that Trump wants to pass that-they’ll argue it’s a bad idea.

  2. The leftists, like the guy who owns the company I work for want government healthcare simply because they won’t have to pay employee healthcare anymore.

    It’s all about them creating a two tiered society, the serfs and the overlords, with no room for a middle class who might act too independently.

  3. Donnelley can go fuck himself with a broomstick, sideways. During the Kavanaugh hearings, I emailed and phoned him multiple times, to vote for confirmation. He is just another Democrat sheep, just follow the herd. None of them can think for themselves.

  4. People that want this either don’t pay taxes in the first place or expect the middle class to pick it up and are too stupid to run the numbers and see that it could never work.
    It will crash and end up being very limited on services.
    Can someone tell me what exactly the government does well and less expensive than private industry??????? Maybe military, but that ain’t cheap, don’t forget the $500 coffee cups and the hammers also known as manual reciprocating driving devices.


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