Retiring is too good for Fauci – IOTW Report

Retiring is too good for Fauci

Patriot Retort

Yesterday’s BIG NEWS was that the teeny-tiny Tyrant, Dr. Anthony Fauci announced he is retiring in December.

While most people are happy to see him go, you can count me among those who think retiring is too good for this man.

Retiring with a taxpayer-funded pension for the rest of his life isn’t enough for me. I’d rather Tony Fauci ends up penniless and ruined — just like all the people whose businesses were shut down and bankrupted on the advice of Anthony Fauci.

Fauci retiring just before the Republicans take back control of Congress is like a real estate developer disappearing just before the feds descend and all his investors discover that he scammed them.

This man shouldn’t be permitted to go gently into that good night. more here

14 Comments on Retiring is too good for Fauci

  1. I would like to ship the little bastard to China.
    The chinks could weld him in to an apartment building for quarantine.
    Only food available is a wet-market bat & pangolin.

    Pin him to a chair and make him watch all the destruction he caused by scrolling the names of the dead, a-la Clockwork Orange.

    After a week of this, typical Chinese torture could ensue.
    Make the sack of shit BEG to let him die.
    Torture the fucker for another week, put him on an IV if necessary.
    Ultimately weld him into a 4’x4′ aluminum box and toss him into a nuclear furnace.
    Good riddance you evil son of a bitch!

  2. LBS,

    China’s CCP will treat him well as he continues to spill whatever beans he has.

    Send Him to the Ukraine, in Uniform, & tell the Nazis, Ruskies, & Zeleskidiots where he is. Let him get stuck in the middle of a 3 way firefight with a fake cyanide pill.

    FUCKER GREASEBALL. (Not rassis,I’m WOP)

  3. @JDHasty — I like your Catherine Wheel idea! I had been thinking along the lines of a Procrustean Bed because it would take a loooooong time to stretch him to fit.

    How ’bout he gets Bedded and then Wheeled?

  4. Add this to the list of appropriate punishments for The Evil Elf…….bury him up to his ass…….upside down.

  5. I’d rather see him in stocks and pillory for a year, in the town square, unsheltered from the weather. Since we’re getting Medieval here perhaps use the “rule of thumb” limiting sticks to use while beating him.


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