Return the blood money, Hillary Clinton! – IOTW Report

Return the blood money, Hillary Clinton!

Newsbusters: After the terrorist attack at an Orlando nightclub early Sunday morning, Democratic presumptive nominee Hillary Clinton claimed she was an ally to the LGBT community. But donations to the Clinton Foundation show the Clintons are willing to overlook LGBT abuse when there’s money on the line.

“We will keep fighting for [the LGBT community’s] right to live freely, openly and without fear,” Clinton said on Facebook June 12, 2016.

However, The Clinton Foundation accepted at least  $25.5 million from eight nations that imprison and murder homosexuals.

The most incriminating donor, Saudi Arabia, was one of only 17 donors who gave The Clinton Foundation between $10 million and $25 million. In Saudi Arabia, the penalty for homosexual behavior is anywhere from 100 lashes and year of banishment, to death by stoning, – MORE

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