Returning SNAP To Pre-Panic Levels Means People Need To Go Back To Work, Not Armageddon – IOTW Report

Returning SNAP To Pre-Panic Levels Means People Need To Go Back To Work, Not Armageddon

Howie Carr-

Every time one of these bloated fraud-ridden Panic-era welfare scams reaches its long-overdue demise, the reaction of state-run media is invariably the same.


This month the food-stamp flim-flam is almost over, and can you guess the headline that every organ of the Democrat media is running.


What’s happening is that food stamps – now known as SNAP, for Supplemental Nutrition Assistance Program – are going to be restored to their pre-Panic 2020 levels. The SNAP scam is already over in 18 states, yet somehow life goes on.

But apparently mass starvation looms in the 32 mostly-Democrat welfare utopias that haven’t put an end to the boondoggle. MORE

24 Comments on Returning SNAP To Pre-Panic Levels Means People Need To Go Back To Work, Not Armageddon

  1. Why am I thinking about Big Mike’s “nutritious” School Food Program where anything kids wanted or liked was substituted for cardboard like tasteless shit that was overbilled to the school boards and slid into the garbage by most of the kids?

    Even the Shit-Hole news 60 minutes did a couple episodes on it.

  2. …you DO realize they are going to use this as something to blame the Democrat caused coming mass starvation on, don’t you?

    …it will all be Republicans’ fault that Black babies are starving.

    Look for pictures like we used to see from Africa with etioliated, undersized, undernourished Black children with bellies grossly distended with hunger over the tag line “MAGA White Supremacy Caused This” in the very near future as the WEF merrily continues its genocide and keeps America fighting itself…

  3. Welfare, and SNAP in particular, is an un-Constitutional usurpation – it binds the negroes to the Demonrat Plantation and bribes the farmers, the agricultural aspect, chaining them to the Demonrat Plantation, as well.

    A clever ploy – and, though totally illegal, it has been a cancer on the body politic for nearly a hundred years. The working stiffs carry the burden, while the rich, the poor, and the farmers (the corporate mega-farmers, not the small family-owned farms) profit – and, of course, the political maggots and their cronies get a hefty cut. Middle-income people are screwed, blued, and tattooed.

    Which also explains why the corruption inherent in such a criminal enterprise is never investigated by the appropriate law “enforcement” agencies – thus – never indicted – never convicted – never slowed – the scam continues to mushroom. Law “enforcement” is too busy chasing outspoken moms at PTA meetings, parents opposing CRT racism at school board hearings, garage pulls, and Jews and Christians.

    mortem tyrannis
    izlamo delenda est …

  4. Hunger is a great motivator.
    The R’s in the legislature in ME have some bills that limit food stamps (EBT cards) to being used for food and ban them from being used at ATM’s.
    It should be like the old days, since we know they won’t totally get rid of the program, that limited the purchase of junk food.
    Just like every taxpayer funded govt program, strings should be attached.

  5. @ joe6pak FEBRUARY 22, 2023 AT 12:38 AM

    … and devote a few minutes to something other than your first loves, your booze, pot and cigarettes, and feed your kids breakfast and pack a lunch for them.

  6. no one wants to work anymore
    went on a road trip to yellowstone for the 150th ann. & other NP in CO & UT (you can get a lifetime NP pass when you’re 62).
    all along the way businesses had signs posted that they were closed because they were short handed and this was the only way the employees could get a day off
    the mcdonalds in moab utah was advertising $17 an hour on their biggest sign

  7. beachmom
    FEBRUARY 22, 2023 AT 7:48 AM
    “Hunger is a great motivator.”

    …in more ways than one.

    There are those who would sell their souls for a scrap of bread.

    In Genesis 25:29-34, Esau sells his birthright for a bowl of lentil stew.

    And people will ALWAYS guard the food bowl. Which was the point of cultivating government dependency. This is the only source of food generations now have known, and they will fight zealously to protect it without regard for the fact that they are protecting those who destroyed their ability to support themselves in the first place.

    Were there no want, there would be no dependency. Were there no want, there would be no envy. Were there no want, there would be no reason to hate.

    Were there no want, there would be no Democrats.

    Democrats know this very well.

    This is why they work so hard to keep want in the world.

  8. Many military and law enforcement families—numerous who are now jobless because of the Joe Biden lowlife’s moneygrubbing scams—rely on SNAP for their families’ survival.

  9. “… lose EMERGENCY food stamp payments…” Since the pandemic “emergency” is over, these food stamp amounts SHOULD go back to the “pre-emergency” levels. Food Stamps were never supposed to cover 100% of monthly food. Cry me a river while you enjoy the Biden economy…

  10. JD Hasty,
    I’ve always thought that too.
    All this bulloney about starving kids whose parents are on welfare.
    I worked as a lunch aide while my kids were in elementary school.
    The welfare kids get breakfast if they want and free lunch on top of their parents getting food stamps.
    Most of them are fat.
    Most of them were the ones to go to FL for vacation and get the newest video games.

    It is, as SNS says. The Democrats need their govt dependents to keep votes coming in.

  11. TRF
    FEBRUARY 22, 2023 AT 9:08 AM
    “SNS – Judging by the size of the asses out there, there are some fat reserves that will take years of twerking to wind down!”

    …that’s actually more dangerous.

    People in want will fight, steal, kill for what they want, and have the energy and will to do so.

    The truly starving are lacking in both, broken in body and spirit.

    And they will direct the anger of those in want at those they want destroyed, which is what they will do with this event.

    It is very advantageous to them because they honestly don’t care how many of their thralls die in the process.


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