Reuters Headline: “Pakistan Must Adopt Different Approach to Terrorism” – IOTW Report

Reuters Headline: “Pakistan Must Adopt Different Approach to Terrorism”


We are only posting this outline to highlight clear and convincing evidence of how the Trump Doctrine assigns ownership; and how to see it in play when broadcast by MSM.

It’s not accidental. This is a repeating pattern.  –EXAMPLES HERE– This is the “Trump Doctrine at work; yet for some reason the majority of media and news consumers cannot see the strategy.  President Trump, and team, have assigned responsibility for bringing the Taliban to the table of deconfliction in Afghanistan to Pakistan.

WASHINGTON (Reuters) – U.S. Secretary of State Rex Tillerson said on Tuesday that Pakistan must adopt a different approach to terrorism and the United States will condition its support on Islamabad’s delivering results in this area.

“There’s been an erosion in trust because we have witnessed terrorist organizations being given safe haven inside of Pakistan to plan and carry out attacks against U.S. servicemen, U.S. officials, disrupting peace efforts inside of Afghanistan,” Tillerson told reporters in the State Department.

“Pakistan must adopt a different approach, and we are ready to work with them to help them protect themselves against these terrorist organizations … We are going to be conditioning our support for Pakistan and our relationship with them on them delivering results in this area.” (read more)

Earlier we shared how to spot if this doctrine was being deployed

So what can we anticipate as next steps?  Well, if the familiar pattern repeats:

  • Look for Pakistan to attempt to avoid ownership.
  • Look for President Trump and Secretary Tillerson to keep pulling Pakistan into each discussion point when referencing Afghanistan.
  • Look for President Trump tweets aimed at creating and affirming the U.S. expectations of Pakistan.  Each time this happens the ownership gets stronger.
  • Look for our diplomatic team to talk about Pakistan helping to solve the problem.
  • Look for any affirming U.S. signals of warmth and friendship toward India.

These will all be indications of the ongoing strategy.

And that process is exactly what we are seeing unfold.  MORE

5 Comments on Reuters Headline: “Pakistan Must Adopt Different Approach to Terrorism”

  1. Simple, kill anything that comes over the border.


    It’s no different than the chinese population supplanting the NORKS during the korea war. Unlimited bodies. Stop it at the border.

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