Revealed: China’s demonic TikTok trick to destroy the West from within – IOTW Report

Revealed: China’s demonic TikTok trick to destroy the West from within

Revolver: The West is frivolous, decadent, decrepit and dying, whereas China is serious, and the algorithm is simply a reflection of that. Maybe it’s a mixture of the two.

11 Comments on Revealed: China’s demonic TikTok trick to destroy the West from within

  1. We have been primed for failure for a long time.
    From our education system, destroyed over time, by Frankfurt Institute ideals.
    Our media, embracing and parroting socialist/communist ideals.
    Our government, who has, within both parties, embraced socialist/communist ideals, one party is just a little more ham fisted about it.
    A government who had/has members endorsed by communist party.
    Churches who have been infiltrated by destructive socialist and satanic values, that are now being sugar coated and fed to a vulnerable congregation.
    Social media is another nail in the coffin that has been under construction for quite awhile.
    Many venues are needed to destroy what was once known as a superpower country.

  2. Another group of slants underestimated the United States some 80 years ago.

    Once America jettisons the traitorous Biden Cabal and the treasonous filth in the Executive Agencies and Armed Forces, the chinks may have a re-think.

    Historically the chinks are content with murdering chinks and generally making China a complete shithole – the “Middle Kingdom” – the Heart of the World – traditionally kept them busy enough without imposing too much on their neighbors, though the Red Emperors seem to have a taste for expansion.

    An invasion of Wangs – just what the World needs.

    mortem tyrannis
    izlamo delenda est …

  3. Judge – Me too!
    Get the gulible Westerners to throw their money down the giant electric rat-hole (including the military) It weakens them AND free’s up fossil fuels for China’s consumption. It’s a Win-Win!

  4. The always-dishonorable and sinister China employs the so-called and bogus ‘idea-sharing’ website PINTEREST to advertise their tiktok bs such as false and credit card scam retail ads along with forced seks-servitude of women and children which the CCP and Biden are jointly involved in.

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