REVEALED: CIA Gave Pedophile Afghan Warlords Viagra So They Could Rape – IOTW Report

REVEALED: CIA Gave Pedophile Afghan Warlords Viagra So They Could Rape

[It didn’t only happen in Afghanistan.]

The reality is that America lost its war in Afghanistan more than a decade ago, roughly around the time when CIA officers began bribing aging warlords with Viagra. The Americans knew all about the young boys the tribal leaders kept in their camps; because the sex drug helped Afghan elders rape more boys more often, they were beholden to America’s clandestine service.

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10 Comments on REVEALED: CIA Gave Pedophile Afghan Warlords Viagra So They Could Rape

  1. These deep state govt operatives are proving time and again that our lives mean nothing and other people’s lives mean nothing.
    From the children this stupid operation harmed and probably killed to Ashli Babbitt’s murder for political gain to stranding Americans in Afghanistan. And of course abortion.

  2. We didn’t “lose” because there never was anything to “win”.

    We were over there doing a circle-jerk of money laundering, USAid, taxpayer dollars, out of U.S. treasury and into the pockets of cronies who were selling “supplies” and building stuff.

  3. Next time either W or Barky speak up and act like they are anything but rotten garbage in the eyes of God, somebody please throw a shoe at their face. And hit them, please.

    God Bless America?? Why or How would he?

  4. CIA been dirty the day they were created.
    Billions in drug running.Bill Clinton helped
    and worked with them.The poppies are a pretty
    red this time of year and the heroin keeps flowing
    in record numbers…..


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