Reveling in the free life outside of California – IOTW Report

Reveling in the free life outside of California

American Thinker-
By Terry Paulding

Last week, I wrote about the beginning of my journey, driving to Boise, Idaho from the San Francisco Bay Area in California.  I subsequently spent most of the week exploring the city, where I enjoyed myself very much.  I think I would have liked Boise in any event, but what made the trip so eye-opening was being reminded what life is like in a state that hasn’t destroyed itself by embracing squalor and crime while imposing totalitarian restrictions on its law-abiding citizens.

My first impression was that Boise, compared to California, is incredibly clean.  I didn’t see any random garbage.  The streets weren’t full of potholes.  I didn’t see even one homeless person — maybe because the weather is cold this time of year, but also, I suspect, because Boise doesn’t cater to them.

California embraces having indigent addicts running rampant; pays them $600 a month in assistance; and now, in San Francisco, is also planning on giving them their chosen set of drugs and a “safe” place to shoot them up in a “navigation center.”

Stores in Boise are clean and, obviously, have not been picked through by emboldened shoplifters, as is the case in the Bay Area.  I didn’t see anyone with an open car trunk, selling random packaged goods lifted from the local grocery or pharmacy, which is, again, a common sight at home.

People were friendly, not wary, in Boise.  What a contrast to home!  It actually took some getting used to. More here

h/t NAAC

21 Comments on Reveling in the free life outside of California

  1. Here in Nevada our governor parrots California policy.
    I’m certain he gives Newsom weekly head.
    The dickhead just removed the mask mandate.

    I went to the gym today and 30% of the morons were STILL wearing masks…WHILE WORKING OUT!

    I do not include Asians in my estimate because, well, those clowns are BORN wearing masks…SMDH!

  2. Fortuitous article for me, Boise (among a few other Idaho cities) is where I have been looking to move, but real estate prices are crazier than here in The Bay Area.

    The stuff she mentioned (homeless problem, clean well-maintained streets,crime)
    is only part of the picture. I don’t want to see any dopey “Black Lives Matter” and “Hate has no place here” signs, I want to see more American Flags or patriotic images displayed, I want to have my elected state and Fed. representatives sharing my values and not being raving maniacal CRT/Commie sympathizers, but most of all I want to feel safe engaging with people, and if a political opinion slips to not have my house egged or be put on a community watch list.

    If the locals would prefer I sign something promising not to vote for a while, I’m OK with that.

  3. RogerF,
    I left for western KS. Few people want to visit, let alone live here. Perfect for me.
    I would look at places people aren’t talking about. Avoid the trending states like Idaho, Texas and Tennessee.


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