Revenge of the Staffers – IOTW Report

Revenge of the Staffers

Patriot Retort-

Say, remember Katie Hill? She’s the former Democrat Congresswoman who carried on affairs with her staffers and was forced to resign from Congress a year ago.

Despite being forced out in disgrace rather than facing an Ethics Investigation, Katie became a bit of a folk hero among the ResistanceLOL. She was a frequent guest on cable news. And in early 2020, she announced that she would be writing a memoir (which was released this summer).

It’s good to be a Democrat.

You can abuse your staffers, have your sordid sex life splashed across the internet, then forced to retire by the Speaker of the House, and still a publisher will hand you merry buckets of cash to write a book.

Even better, some idiot in Hollywood will decide to produce a movie version of your seedy life starring Elisabeth Moss (lately of “The Handmaid’s Tale” – stop and marvel at that irony).

Yes, that’s ironic as well, isn’t it?

The whole thing is laughably absurd.

And apparently all this great news did not go over well with Katie’s former staffers. read more

10 Comments on Revenge of the Staffers

  1. One of the reasons there should be real consequences for evil and criminal acts.
    Had she been put to death for abusing her office, violating her oath, and defrauding her constituents, we wouldn’t be hearing of her again.

    izlamo delenda est …

  2. Hollyweird will go even closer to bankruptcy after making this “movie”. Spend lots of money, and get little in return for the investment. Who will want to watch it?


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