Rêverie – IOTW Report


14 Comments on Rêverie

  1. Awwwww. MJA, you knew what was needed and had the wisdom to post this. My blood pressure (and I don’t even have blood pressure) was on the ceiling today after hearing POTUS Trump blame Barr for not releasing info about Durham’s work AND Pompeo (and others) sitting Clinton’s emails until now.

    Thank you.

  2. yeah, everything was all peaceful & tranquil … until that creepazoid face showed up in the lower clouds (going from right to left) from 0:35 to 0:55

    what the …..???

    (… & just as I was about to go beddie bye …. now I’m all creeped out!)

    seriously though … very nice

  3. NICE!

    And, also… the acoustics from Jimmy’s Link is something some studio engineers would give their first-born male child for (almost).

    Still can’t figure out how the hand manipulation creates the chords so much in tune with the lead piano. Awesome!

  4. I played that for Claude.
    I guess he remembered it.
    We were drinking and smoking cigars and he had this little chippy sitting on his lap – so I played the piano …

  5. MOLON AABE, I saw the same thing in the clouds while watching this otherwise soothing video. Sometimes it looked like a Rorschach test to determine what you’re seeing using inkblot images for a psychological evaluation. I was seeing all sorts of different images, animal shapes etc. in those black and dark gloomy clouds.

  6. Maybe we should all just put on some DVD’s of old Looney Tune cartoons, Rocky and Bullwinkle etc. and have a good Saturday morning like we did when we were kids and laugh ourselves silly and forget for a while about all the problems of the world. And classic B&W comedies like Buster Keaton (Sherlock Jr. is one of my favorites), Keystone Cops with lots of slapstick antics to cheer ourselves up.


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