Reversing the Obama-era “Dear Colleague” letter will make schools safer – IOTW Report

Reversing the Obama-era “Dear Colleague” letter will make schools safer

City Journal: President Trump, following the recommendation of a national commission on school safety chaired by Secretary of Education Betsy DeVos, will repeal the Obama administration’s “Dear Colleague Letter” on school discipline. The DCL, issued in 2014, advised school superintendents nationwide that racial disparities in suspension rates would be grounds for finding school districts in violation of federal anti-discrimination law, and therefore at risk of losing federal funding.

The directive, cast as a “guidance,” in fact formalized a fundamental shift in the Department of Education’s approach to civil-rights enforcement. Prior to the DCL, the standard held that civil rights are violated if students are treated differently because of race; for instance, if a black student and a white student both curse at a teacher, it’s wrong to suspend the black student and give the white student a warning. The DCL expanded the standard from disparate treatment to disparate impact; now, if two black students and one white student curse at a teacher, it could be a civil-rights violation to punish them all equally.

The school system of Broward County, Florida led the nation in promoting and implementing this policy shift and served as the exemplar for Obama’s DCL. Broward’s efforts to end the “schoolhouse-to-jailhouse pipeline” by reducing in-school arrests for drugs, assault, and weapons charges were celebrated by racial-justice and criminal-reform advocates around the country. But it was precisely this preference for social justice over safety that allowed Nikolas Cruz, the Marjory Stoneman Douglas school shooter, to avoid arrest in Broward County, despite years of criminal behavior on school grounds, and countless red flags regarding his unstable and psychopathic personality.  more here

7 Comments on Reversing the Obama-era “Dear Colleague” letter will make schools safer

  1. Hire Combat Officer Veterans as teachers. Pay them exorbitantly.
    Return the cane to the classroom
    To reduce illegal immigration, all those who flunk out of High School are indentured into farm service for two years.

  2. “make schools safer”
    Instead of “Gun Free Zone” have “Gun Safety Zone”. CCP holders within 5 miles can be activated if needed. Pare it down to 20 – 25 people. Tour the area monthly to stay familiar with the layout. When seconds count, the police are just minutes away.

  3. Cmn¢¢guy

    “Conan, what do you fear most in life?”
    “Getting into a gun fight and having the cops show up”

    Sorry pal, some ccw’s gonna get smoked by some ass hole cop that’s got his head up his ass. Just happened.

    The answer to this problem has always, and still is, qualified teachers or janitors need to carry. They’re already on scene, and they’re already in the fight.

  4. It is a sort or repatriation, in the form of an extended privilege. The old ‘get out of jail free’ card. The turnstile jumper’s card of today’s DC and NYC metro systems.
    But, if one is in the right clique, they can get the privilege, too.
    Especially in wasserman-schultz’s corrupt Broward county:
    “The case involved two 17-year-old students bullying a 14-year-old freshman, with one holding down the younger boy by his ankles while the other kicked the victim, grabbed his genitals and then took the victim’s own baseball bat and began shoving it against his buttocks, simulating rape, through the boy’s clothes.
    One of those assailants, the boy who allegedly held down the victim, was [Sheriff] Israel’s son, Brett.”

    Freedom and justice for all, not just a small privileged class.


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