Revisit: Accident or Explosion? – IOTW Report

Revisit: Accident or Explosion?


JohnsCreekPost: An apparent car crash in Georgia – kills Harrison Deal. He was a staffer for Georgia Senator Kelly Loeffler. Harrison Deal was also dating Gov Kemp’s daughter.

Neighbors in the area described the accident as an explosion. On the Pooler Police Dept social media, several residents commented they heard a LOUD EXPLOSION.  more

h/t Brad.

24 Comments on Revisit: Accident or Explosion?

  1. Easy enough to tell by Kemp and Raff clamming up and hiding. And where is that big mouth asshole drama queen Gabriel Sterling, who was screaming well before Dral’s “accident” that these fraud “conspiracy theories” would get people killed? He’s hone to ground, too.

  2. The guys that have been in the Big Sandbox, that looked at the pics of the wreckage, are all saying it was an IED, or a shaped charge. When are we going to start killing them back?

    More strange shit that makes you think WTF!! There was an F16 crash in Northern Michigan today. Anon Pilot, closed airspace above wreck, 4,000 meter radius closure around the crash site. WTF?

  3. You’d think the FBI or the GBI would be all over this, if only to dEbUnK the bomb theories. Maybe they’re quietly trying to find the dirty deplorable to frame. Or maybe they’re good with the Bad Wreck story.

  4. An ol ex jarhead~~

    I’m 65. My Dad was a Captain serving under our greatest fighting General.

    I recognize that saying.
    Thanks for reminding me.
    Thanks for your service.



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