Revolt by Security Personnel May Define Hillary as the Weak Candidate – IOTW Report

Revolt by Security Personnel May Define Hillary as the Weak Candidate

Observer: Good news: America still has federal employees who will risk their careers to express profound disagreement with major policy errors.

51 dissident State Department Foreign Service Officers (FSOs), the Dissent 51, signed a Dissent Channel cable savaging the Obama Administration’s Syria policy and implicitly attacking the Obama Administration’s inept diplomatic and military strategy for eliminating the anti-Islamic State in Iraq and Syria (ISIS).

Usually one FSO (or at most a handful) sign a dissent cable. 51 is an unprecedented number of government line officers signing a dissident document which—Obama Administration denials to the contrary—could put their careers at risk.

The Dissent 51 FSOs demonstrate that America still has federal employees who will risk their careers to express profound professional disagreement with what they believe are major policy errors which damage U.S. interests, in this case long term U.S. security interests in the Middle East and Europe.

This is good news.  more

7 Comments on Revolt by Security Personnel May Define Hillary as the Weak Candidate

  1. I don’t think it’s “exasperation” which caused this, as the linked article speculates. I think they are just opposed to providing aid and comfort to America’s enemies which has been the modus operandi of the Obama/Jarrett/Clinton regime since day 1.

  2. Dissent from a large number of State Department staffers. Three or four federal investigations continuing on HilLIARy Clinton.


    As I suggested a week or so back after Obama’s “When will this stop?” speech, some idiot tries to effect the assassination of Donald Trump.


    But but but but TRUMP U!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! RAAAAAACISSSSS!!!!

    I’m so sick of this shit. When truth is cloaked only lies are evident.

  3. I’m amazed at how complacent most of US voters are about the corruption and deterioration that surrounds them. The Founding Fathers were correct in letting only property owners vote.

    The skin in the game that voters should have is an investment in the country, not lifetime bribes for their votes.

  4. I am grateful to know there are federal employees willing to place our Nation above politics, political pressure and personal retaliation.
    God Bless the Patriots who place the Nation First.

  5. The State Department is chucked full of lifetime bureaucrats. Now they’re telling us to ramp up another war? I’m way past that. My Give a Fuck Meter for the Middle East is pegged. Carpet bomb ISIS back to the 7th century but I don’t want to hear of one more American causality. Arm Israel to the teeth and provide them with any intel thats pertinent. But quit trying to remake the Middle East into our likeness.

    The writer doesn’t even try to make the case for more fucking war but uses the column to go off on Hillary’s problems. Yeah, thats all well and good. And pointless as nothing will happen to her because she communicated with Obama/Jarrett on her server and they didn’t say shit.

    The FBI has had plenty of time and I’m sure has amassed enough evidence to put any one of us into a deep, dark hole forever. Unless a bunch of guys want to chuck their careers and pensions, which these days just ain’t happening, she skates.

    Comey could go down in history as a hero despite the turmoil he could create. I’d love for him to answer why he won’t.

  6. “I’m sick and tired of people who say that if you debate and disagree with this administration, somehow you’re not patriotic. We need to stand up and say we’re Americans, and we have the right to debate and disagree with any administration.”–HRC

  7. The FBI has its hands tied with the Hillary investigations. O won’t let anything out until after the election, when he’ll take time on the 13th hole to congratulate or pardon her.

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