Independent presidential candidate Robert F. Kennedy Jr. supports issuing reparations to the black community, making him the most prominent 2024 candidate to favor the controversial policy meant to atone for slavery and legal segregation.
President Biden has largely been silent on the issue, leading to frustration among the far left.
Kennedy — who ditched his Democratic primary challenge to Biden earlier this month — has spoken out in favor of issuing federal dollars to “rebuild black infrastructure” like banks and businesses, and as well as “direct redress payments or tax credits” rather than no-strings cash giveaways.
“Communities that were specifically targeted for destruction need to be specifically targeted for repair,” he states on his campaign website.
“During Jim Crow, Black banks, businesses, hospitals, schools, and farms were targeted for destruction. Racists knew that without these, the Black community had no chance of building wealth. We must set federal dollars aside to rebuild Black infrastructure.”
“These programs complement direct redress payments or tax credits to the descendants of the victims of Jim Crow and other victims of persecution,” the pledge continues. “RFK Jr. will find ways to offer this redress that are legal, fair, and win the approval of Americans of all races.”
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Absolute genius I say!
All the so-called conservatives hyping this clown.
This is very good news for Donald J. Trump…
Yup, a hard lefty! No surprise.
How much you gonna offer the poor oppressed Angry African-Americans Mr. RFK Jr.?
Last I checked they were asking for a cool 100 Million dollars each in that wonderful enclave of San Francisco.
Pretty much a Powerball jackpot for all the blacks in America.
Sure, why the hell not?
Let’s end this country ASAP…
Being against the Covid vaccine isn’t enough to make me support this progressive POS. TRUMP 2024!
Cal, it’s over, busted, gone goodbye. next!
Hambone, being anti-vax was hardly novel.
I’m all for Trump winning in 2024 but Ron DeSantis is the only guy out there publicly wanting to chuck Fauci across the Potomac…
Trump has/had an investment in the vaccines, prove ME wrong. His supported it & mouth only opens when ONLY money into his pocket is involved! But hell I’m so smart & was just born yesterday.
You lose, sooooo hard to admit.
Pop goes the weasel – literally! The Biden second term as pResident is in deep doo doo. LOL! The idiot left votes will be split big time. Moderate conservatives may finally get red-pilled with RKJr supporting econony killing reparations.
President Trump’s campaign will be strong as ever if not stronger with this news.
We don’t care,for without our Don what are we?
Easy peasy, a lost doony dream,aw
Sure & keep telling yourself a man withh 91 indictments is going to
……Prison the rest of AMERICA rests their case.
Black folk in this country need to realize they are no longer a priority.
All your reparations are now going to Ukraine, Israel, and today biden* promised 100 million to the people of Gaza. Amazing!
Sorry blacks, the dems finally figured out that they already have the black vote locked up indefinitely.
Why haggle over the 5% of total black votes that may get red pilled?
Blacks are FOREVER on the democrat plantation.
Prove me wrong…
The debt for slavery was paid for in blood in the Civil War, RFK and the rest of the lefties can go pound sand.
Another TYPICAL Kennedy calling for ALL Americans
to pay for what they have done.
Cheap Money Giveaway politics
But did ever notice it is NEVER about the
SMELLOCRATS giving their money
It is always about the SMELLOCRATS giving away
“Black banks, businesses, hospitals, schools, and farms were targeted for destruction.”
Can’t say I’ve seen a black farm, but as for the others why couldn’t they be painted some other color like red or blue? Destruction averted.
“Let’s end this country ASAP…”
Let’s end the FED ASAP. Keep The Constitution. Impeach, try and imprison Joe Biden. Pass a Constitutional amendment requiring paper ballots in all elections. Then, shut down the Congress for 6 months.
I keep telling to go read his policies on his site.
A broken clock is right twice a day.
He’s right on medical freedom but otherwise he’s pure liberal loon.
I promote RFK Jr. for what he says about the evils of government. I value his part in exposing the Deep State.
But I promote Trump for president, because I know that with him as president we will have progress toward a far better country.
blow me, asshole
I owe descendants of former slaves NOTHING.
My family immigrated to America AFTER the Civil War.
Fuck the whining, lazy crybabies looking for a handout and a free ride.
They’ve already received some $4 Trillion since 1964 – that’s more than enough.
Those who demand “reparations” have no pride, no decency, no honor, and no integrity. And the white mongrels advocating “reparations” are blatantly racist, insisting that negroes are somehow unable to produce anything for themselves and must be subsidized by their honky betters. The negroes who jump on this perverted bandwagon prove themselves to be shameless beggars.
mortem tyrannis
izlamo delenda est …
“The treasure was not his (Democrat slave owners) that his evil deeds should be amended with a share of it. ”
-JRR Tolkien, “The Hobbit”
Fake News has been telling us Bobby will pull votes from Trump. This is why Fake News is in a panic.
Fuck you, Kennedy.
So tired of this.
…my people weren’t here till after the Civil War, and were treated like dogshit for – PAY ATTENTION HERE, RFK – being Catholic immigrants by the Democrats and the Democrat KKK when they GOT here, as well as for the unforgivable sin of being German (going into WWI) and Irish (Just because asshole Democrats ALWAYS hate the Irish). My ggg grandpa changed the family NAME because Democrats were persecuting and killing German immigrants thanks to the Democrat president. My wife has relatives who died for the North in several cemeteries. And ALL the slave owners were Democrats, which I am NOT.
Not all White people ever owned slaves, and not all Black people WERE slaves.
Although I’m not sure what you do with the tea-colored “Obamas” of this world. Guess they have to pay themselves, seeing as how some of THEM have White slave master ancestors.
On the other hand, there IS systematic, invidious, government-sponsored discrimination TODAY.
It’s against my son for no reason other than he’s White. Jobs, college, loans, they prefer a darker hue with all that and more, and the Government requires that.
And do you know that slavery wasn’t exclusive to Black people in the Antebellum American South? EVERY RACE HAS BEEN ENSLAVED AT ONE TIME OR ANOTHER, IN EVERY NATION ON EARTH. Using YOUR logic, modern Italians owe me BIG time for what they did to the Germans…and don’t even get me STARTED on the English! But that wasn’t me and that wasn’t them. The sins of the fathers are NOT transferrable to the sons. The United States was FOUNDED on, among other things, NO BILLS OF ATTAINDER, and that’s EXACTLY what you are proposing, although with the twist of NOT REQURIING ANY ANCESTORY AT ALL OTHER THAN PHYSICAL APPEARANCE TO FACILIATE OPEN RACIAL DISCRIMINATION.
And there IS slavery, BLACK slavery, HERE, NOW, TODAY, but it’s being practiced by BLACKS and MUSLIMS against other Blacks. I don’t see any Democrats saying anything about THAT.
And let’s look at what “reparations” are in the abstract. You propose to take the fruits of MY labor by force and give them to someone else for no reason other than race. That means that YOU are proposing that the Government literally OWNS the labor of EVERY SINGLE WHITE AMERICAN to do with what they please. And you will hunt me down, imprison me, and kill me if I resist this.
So isn’t what YOU are proposing…SLAVERY?
So on the subject of reparations, fuck you, fuck you, and fuck you. You were never a slave and I never owned slaves. All I owe you is good marksmanship so you die quickly if you attack me and mine.
Leave us not forget that you have taken money from me MY ENTIRE WORKING LIFE and given it to people who hate me for my race and now OPENLY say they will kill me and mine if given a chance. Thanks LBJ, how’s that 100 years working out for your dead ass?
But I’m one of the most hated and reviled group of all time, a capable productive straight 50ish White Male, so it’s OK to all Democrats that I be discrimated against for my race, my property taken at gunpoint bu the government and distributed to people for THEIR race, as everything from opportunities to medical care is “legally” restricted for me because the race you’re pandering to may want it instead. I have no vote, no representation, and no hope of Government redress for DECADES of Government taking and legalized discrimination at the hands of Goverment.
Seems like there were some OTHER folks a couple hundred years back who had a tyrannical Government rake from them without representation for its own gain.
Just remember that history repeats.
Kennedy’s, Bush’s, Klunton’s, Obama & his Old SENILE Pet Joey:
Michelle WILL RUN if she thinks she can win. IF.
An American Aristocracy based on Bullshit rather than Birthright.
Canuckistan is NO DIFFERENT with 2 generations of TURDEAUs & a 3rd being primed for the2045’s
I might have crossed over in the primaries to vote for him as a protest against Biden, but I would never vote for him as an independent. And at the bottom of it all is my hardest rule: NO MORE DYNASTIES.
But consider this: Is it possible that RFKJ does not wish to take votes from Trump because he views Biden and his ilk as a real threat to freedom, and he took this extreme reparations tack to make it clear that he’s going after Biden’s base? I reckon we will soon know by how hard the media flays him now.
Amen, Wild Bill and never trust any Kennedy and especially a Kennedy spawn. They’re all descended from evil Joe Kennedy, the biggest evil Kennedy scumbag of all.
That’s big red flag for anyone who pays taxes…Safety Tip: Tax Dollar burner ahead attached to another scam!!
Typical Democrat using the US Treasury to buy votes.
And ten micent for me!
Europe was the first continent in the world to ABOLISH slavery, North America was the second. America was built on the founding principle of equal and free people by ending slavery, at the cost of many white lives, and for that we must pay reparations? Nope!
We live within a debt based system. Anything to feed the system more debt though, right? The system will lock up and naked emperors will be exposed without ever increasing debt to feed the liquidity monster. We can’t have that!! Reparations, along with never ending war, pandemics, terrorism, etc. is the way it gets done. END the FED.
I think you are young. so a little history –
Barry said very loud , and’Memory Holed’ instantly lbt the Bush loving Press (today MSM).
El Rusbo repeated softy BUT HEARD BY MILLIONS MORE THE BARRY! in 1998
LBJ was elected by “Bush Republicans”
for emphasis
Ronny took as VP the man who called him (among many other deragotive names): isolationist, racist, white nationalist… as VP because GOP “leaders’ said “Bush Republicans” would do to Ronny what they did to Barry!
I gritted my teeth ( I love America; and unlike 5 generations of Bush Clan, have shed blood for the land I love!) and said OK.
now I say I should have “raised Hell!”!
Had “Bush Republicans” not backed LBJ the election would have been close; Barry likely lost; but close.
Late disclosure
stick reparations up your ass, nwords