RFK Jr. Throws Moms for Liberty Under the Bus – IOTW Report

RFK Jr. Throws Moms for Liberty Under the Bus

RFK Jr. Throws Moms for Liberty Under the Woke School Bus, Touts Pro-LGBTQ Stance.

PJM: Democratic presidential candidate Robert F. Kennedy Jr. has garnered support from both leftists and conservatives. But conservatives who admire RFK Jr. for speaking hard truths should also be aware of how he back-stabbed a parental rights group on TV in order to pander to an intolerant homosexual activist who wants LGBTQ propaganda in schools.

The group Kennedy rejected was Moms for Liberty, which just held a summit featuring 2024 Republican presidential candidates Donald TrumpVivek Ramaswamy, and Ron DeSantis. But not Kennedy.

Moms for Liberty’s mission statement reads, “Moms for Liberty is dedicated to fighting for the survival of America by unifying, educating and empowering parents to defend their parental rights at all levels of government.” All they want to do is prevent the government-enforced indoctrination and sexualization of children in schools and make sure parents are made aware of such tremendously important things as whether their children are masquerading as the opposite sex at school. The group does not attack LGBTQ people — indeed, LGBTQ activists are the ones harassing Moms for Liberty.

At a town hall on Wednesday, News Nation allowed audience members to ask Kennedy questions. James Williams, the CEO of a social media consulting firm, asked the candidate why he agreed to and then drew back from an invitation to speak at a Moms for Liberty conference. While Moms for Liberty is specifically geared toward preventing parents from being pressured into letting their kids be indoctrinated, Williams claimed Moms for Liberty tries to tell people how to raise their children. more here

24 Comments on RFK Jr. Throws Moms for Liberty Under the Bus

  1. Kennedy is going to be the media’s Wonder Boy, as soon as Biden withdraws or dies. He will be pandering to every leftist, marxist group to gain the democrat primary nomination.

  2. And just last week there were folks on this very site who were touting this guy as Trump’s VP pick, I know, right?

    RFK Jr is running as a Democrat, and as such, his enemies must be the enemies of his party, or he has no chance. Since his party has made war on both moms and liberty, what else was he expected to do?

  3. Fags and other types of perverts are the backbone of the Demonrat/Satanic movement.
    They may only be 2%-3% or the population, but they’re an effective weapon when wielded by their puppet-masters – they’re extremely vocal and absolutely uninhibited about making asses of themselves for their Satanic Majesty.
    They are significantly deranged and unable to self-censor the outbursts of their mental illness – no discretion, whatsoever.

    Thus, like “Admiral” Dick Levine, they completely beclown themselves while the pervert-compliant media attempts to make us take them seriously.

    Kjr is aware of this.

    mortem tyrannis
    izlamo delenda est …

  4. Don’t ever trust a friggin Kennedy. His grandfather was a bootlegger during Prohibition, a notorious womanizer, institutionalized his daughter and had her obtain a lobotomy, was a pro-Nazi Sympathizer before World War 2, stole the 1960 Presidential election for his son JFK. They are nothing but Irish Catholic scumbags and neer do wells who only care about their own power.

  5. They are not Irish Catholic. They are Irish “catholic” scumbags and ne’er do wells who only care about their own power.

    They rely on morons who lack the intellect and discernment to recognize the that politicians who claim to be followers of a common religion in order to appeal to people who actually are sincere in their faith in order to get their vote. In my estimation there is nothing lower.

  6. Back when George Zimmerman was in the news–and we eventually learned more about him and he did he eventually did something someone right of center would not do–it was the first time I used the phrase… We shouldn’t be surprised when Dhimmicrats behave like Dhimmicrats. RFKJr is a Dhimmicrat, therefore it logically follows that we should not be surprised.

    Dhimmicrats are always Dhimmicrats first too, before they are sisters, brothers, fathers, mothers, sons, daughters, Christian, Jewish, neighbors, citizens, human. All those are secondary.

    You will be made to care.

  7. The Kennedy clan is not Catholic. For the most part they are no more Catholic than Biden or Pelosi. Not only are they claiming to be Catholic, they do so while being hostile to what the Catholic Church stands for.

  8. As shallow as my statement will be – Kennedy is going nowhere with that voice affliction.
    Who wants to struggle listening to the male version of Katharine Hepburn On Golden Pond as President?


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