RFK Loses Oregon—Again – IOTW Report

RFK Loses Oregon—Again

American Greatness:
By Thaddeus G. McCotter

Concerned about his chances of victory heading into the state’s 1968 Democratic presidential primary, Robert Kennedy described Oregon as a hard state for him to win, because “I appeal best to people who have problems.” A little more than half a century later, the comparatively moderate RFK would have found a far more troubled state, though Oregon Democrats’ reception of him would not have been any less frosty.

To wit: the racist, collectivist Left has come to indoctrinate Oregon’s children.

As reported by Fox News’ Jessica Chasmar:

The Oregon Department of Education (ODE) adopted . . . new standards to integrate ethnic studies in social studies curricula for kindergarten through 12th grade, adding new ‘perspectives and histories’ to allow students to ‘feel welcome and recognized in the classroom and a part of our collective narrative, our shared history,’ an ODE spokesman told Fox News Digital.

Delving into the ODE’s aim to radically indoctrinate Oregon’s children, one plainly sees the collectivist Left’s goal: to make America’s youth dumbed-down, docile, paranoid, and dependent upon a socialist government.

Thus, for kindergartners, the new standards require them to “engage in respectful dialogue with classmates to define diversity comparing and contrasting visible and invisible similarities and differences.” This indoctrinates the children into thinking of themselves as part of a collective rather than as individuals. read more

7 Comments on RFK Loses Oregon—Again

  1. They opined, “Delving into the ODE’s aim to radically indoctrinate Oregon’s children, one plainly sees the collectivist Left’s goal: to make America’s youth dumbed-down, docile, paranoid, and dependent upon a socialist government.”

    Ahhh time to play catch up Bubba. These have been the goals of the teacher’s unions for over a 100 years. And if you need anymore proof of their successes, look no further then the election(s) and idolization of Obama.

    A more vacuous man has never walked this earth. If not for ValGal with her hand up his ass working them soup coolers, he’d have been invisible

    People finally have gotten hip. Home schooled children in 1973 was about 25,000(?). Last year? Close to 4 million.

  2. PHenry: “From what I have read, eastern Oregon is lost. Not sure about the rest of the state.”

    That would be western Oregon, and more specifically the I-5 corridor including Salem, Eugene, and Portland, as well as their major suburbs. These are where the government employees live and work, where the major colleges are, and the majority of the people who depend upon government services reside. Beyond that you mainly have farmers and ranchers or people who commute into the bigger towns for work — people who know how much it costs to fill up a gas tank for a daily commute or to ship a load of product, for example. The ranchers in eastern Oregon especially have no love for the legislators in Salem, who dictate water and land usage, predator control methods, etc. Also, if you see homeless outside these towns, just know that they’re dumped there by the local DHS-affiliated human services offices in those towns — they are NOT locals, and after a while, they tend to migrate back to where they came from.

  3. The pig pen that Portland has become is symbolic of all of Western Oregon. These are the same people who claim to be environmentally woke. Just look around under bridges and freeway exits as you travel through Portland. God help the children who are being indoctrinated in their public schools.
    They are doomed to a life of racial strife regardless of their ethnicity.


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