Rhode Island: 150,000 Voters Erroneously On Rolls – IOTW Report

Rhode Island: 150,000 Voters Erroneously On Rolls

DC: Rhode Island Secretary of State Nellie Gorbea has found 150,000 people wrongly placed on the state’s voter rolls, The Providence Journal reported Wednesday.

During the 2016 election, the state held a total of 781,770 registered voters. According to The Providence Journal, almost 65,000 names were cleared away since Gorbea became R.I. Sec of State in 2015. An additional 30,000 were classified as “inactive.”

Gorbea said she would not describe it as “fraud.” She added, “It’s really just inaccuracies.”  more here

18 Comments on Rhode Island: 150,000 Voters Erroneously On Rolls

  1. If that’s correct then the turnout percent is around 72.5% which is unheard of in the state. That alone ought to have set off bells. Maybe Rhode Island is the next stop for the election investigation train.

  2. This “non problem” is rearing it’s ugly head all over the nation. Calif’s oldest voter was 200 years old, care to guess what Democratic party he voted for?

  3. In my conservative state (WY), the polling place was run with utmost accuracy, transparency and accountability by honorable officials.

    I would expect the creeps in those liberal states to be despicable slimeballs.

  4. Trump’s SEC needs to be using both its regulatory and investigatory clout.

    Comply with Federal guidelines or lose Federal funding. There are States Rights issues here but I’m willing to accept the need for a Federal cleanup.

    Cull the newly deceased each week in real time as the SSA reports them.
    Ditto Felony convictions, moves out of state, etc.
    There are stiff Federal criminal penalties for ballot tampering. Start enforcing them. Make some public examples (Detroit, Baltimore, California come to mind).

    States that issue Drivers Licenses to Illegals? Say goodbye to DOT funding.

    This will all stop when it is forced to stop.
    And once stopped, the Dems may not win a national election again.

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