Rhode Island Man Dies After Firework Set Off on His Head – IOTW Report

Rhode Island Man Dies After Firework Set Off on His Head


A man in Rhode Island died earlier this year after reportedly setting a firework off on his head, which police are now investigating.

The death of David Ziegenfuss, 39, occurred on May 12 this year and police later determined the cause to be a β€œblast injury” to his head, according to Chief Gingerella. more here

23 Comments on Rhode Island Man Dies After Firework Set Off on His Head

  1. I was reading a post earlier about gnarly firework accidents, evidently the mortars are dangerous as hell, blowing off hands, and in one case, decapitation. Uncle Stumpy sez get the hell outta the way once you light that fuse.

  2. I, the brilliant man I am lit a firework off in my hand pointed skyward. I held it upside down, Every time I look in the mirror after a shower the scars on my chest remind me of that night.

  3. Only trained cold-beer-swilling redneck
    goober cracker boys from South Carolina
    like Radioationman should handle fireworks.
    I started off with BLACK CAT firecrackers when I was 8.

  4. Most mortars have a fuse as long as the tube you drop it into. 16 to 20 inches.
    We can buy 3 inch shells with a stack of 3 on each shot. 250 feet in the air with a bloom of 50 feet. Very nice.
    This moron let it burn for 5 seconds on his head,or his good buddies wanted to kill him.


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