Rhode Island went from firing unvaccinated health care workers to allowing the COVID-positive to work – IOTW Report

Rhode Island went from firing unvaccinated health care workers to allowing the COVID-positive to work

FOX: After implementing a coronavirus mandate for health care workers this fall, Rhode Island has now opened an option for COVID-positive health care workers to continue working if their facility is facing a staffing crisis. 

“Also, facility administrators should be using their clinical judgment in making staffing decisions. For example, a facility may opt for a COVID-19 positive worker to only care for COVID-19 positive patients,” Joseph Wendelken, a spokesperson from the department of health, told the Providence Journal on Saturday

A memo was sent to employees of state-run Eleanor Slater Hospital on Friday explaining that “those who are exposed or have a positive Covid test but are asymptomatic” can continue reporting to work “in crisis situations for staffing” if they wear N95 masks.  more here

14 Comments on Rhode Island went from firing unvaccinated health care workers to allowing the COVID-positive to work

  1. What’s Cox going to do?

    They were all FIRED as of 3 months ago. But none of them have been fired. Oops? Whoops? Are we waiting for the courts?

  2. This is slightly off topic but relevant nonetheless I think.


    The article notes changes in federal law prior to this plandemic that allow law enforcement and all federal agencies to set up “drills and exercises” to test readiness for “emerging threats” without the public being informed.

    Links embedded in the article include corona virus and vaccine patent information that was done long before the plandemic as well as definitional changes in the term “vaccine”.

    From the link: “Then there was a change in definitions by the government in December of 2019 allowing “biological products” to be called vaccines. And, the government signed a contract that same month with Moderna stating “mRNA coronavirus vaccine candidates [are] developed and jointly owned” with the government. Again, all of this before the so-called “pandemic” began.

    Couple these legal changes with the case Dr. David Martin made showing evidence in the patent record showing that Fauci and friends have been planning an event like we are currently in for decades. Gary Barnett has shown the months of pandemic simulations in 2019. There’s Operation Crimson Contagion as well as Operation Lockstep and Event 201.”

    If I didn’t believe all of this was planned before now, the more information that is coming out the more I am convinced that this whole thing was a govt. / globalist operation to overthrow our constitutional form of govt. in the US (Trump had to be pushed aside by any means possible) and to destroy democratic norms in other western countries. Add this info to Dr. Malone’s, Dr. McCullough’s, and several others revelations and it becomes near impossible not to believe this entire thing has been planned for years and the political climate drove them to do it now before the populist movement across the world gained more steam. The real “great reset” needs to be the citizenry destroying the globalist, bureaucratic scum that has foisted this on the whole world.

  3. It’s not called a Dempanic for nothing!
    Where the Hell is Anthony “Chicken Little” Fauxi? What’s he got to pontificate over this?
    Medical people should know better.
    I’d be ashamed.

    mortem tyrannis
    izlamo delenda est …

  4. What happens when the next in line variant arrives? Do the pink slips come back?? A married couple I know got a letter from NYS saying both their covid tests came back positive, a test neither have ever taken. Our government is messed up so bad they’ve lost contact with reality.

  5. if all the unvaccinated health care workers were terminated, then how do they have covid positive workers now?

    rhetorical question obviously – but do these ass clowns realize that we aren’t as stupid or corrupt or both as they are?

  6. This is the logic the left used to cheat in the election. Change, twist, skew the rules (cheat) to their advantage whenever they want. Truth is nonessential to them when they can’t get what they want truthfully.

  7. My daughter is set to lose her job in the healthcare industry. She told her boss she wasn’t getting the jab. Her husband is an electrical contractor, he makes enough for them to live on. They’re selling their vineyard and home and moving maybe to Florida. We can leave any time. Find a place to rent since we own our home outright. Find a roosting place then unload the house. Had someone knock on our door yesterday wanting to know if we wanted to sell. Not ready yet…

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