Ric Grenell read the ‘Russian Collusion’ transcripts — and exposed the media’s Lies – IOTW Report

Ric Grenell read the ‘Russian Collusion’ transcripts — and exposed the media’s Lies


Despite the Biden administration bragging that it’s the first to have an openly gay Cabinet member, that distinction belongs to President Donald Trump and his former acting Director of National Intelligence, Richard Grenell. But reducing Grenell’s accomplishments to just that is insulting.

Ric joined the “Glenn Beck Podcast” this week to give just a glimpse at what he learned under the Trump administration and from nearly 20 years of intelligence briefings before that — which has led him to admit that it’s no wonder he believes in God.

Ric gave a behind-the-scenes look at what he knows about everything from aliens and AI to spies, D.C. corruption, and the extreme threat that is communist China. And he’s one of the few people who can confirm just how dishonest the media was on stories like Hunter Biden’s laptop scandal and “Russian collusion” — because he’s read the classified documents.

In the video clip below, Ric discussed the classified documents on the Russia probe’s origins and compared them to what the media was spewing. No surprise, the media’s “lies” were “outrageous.” more

6 Comments on Ric Grenell read the ‘Russian Collusion’ transcripts — and exposed the media’s Lies

  1. For starters, being openly gay is not a badge of honor. So joe biteme can kiss my homesick ass. With that being said, I have a great deal of respect for the patriotism and the sense of loyalty that Ric Grenell showed for this country and President Trump. I hope he continues to be involved with trying to MAGA.

  2. As a rule most of us here judge people on their merits and not on their race, religion, creed etc, etc. The trouble is it’s getting harder to find people who merit our respect. Now I have more fingers and toes than people I respect.

  3. I’m with joe six pack.

    No way i’m going to call that disgusting lifestyle anything but what it is.

    But i still thank Grenell for the heroic actions he took when the rest of the official republican party took a big dump on the truth.

  4. Bragging rights? Its a sick society that elevates sexual perversion above heterosexual lifestyle.

    Nobody gave much of a rats ass when they were confined to a closet. Sure, they can contribute to society, I can accept that, but to put it on a pedestal? No.

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