Ric Grenell ‘sets the tone’ and it’s awesome – IOTW Report

Ric Grenell ‘sets the tone’ and it’s awesome

17 Comments on Ric Grenell ‘sets the tone’ and it’s awesome

  1. Vietvet

    I’m not sure that guy is gay. I follow him on Instagram, a great follow, but he’s ALWAYS got at least three hot women hanging around him. They look at him like, Are you sure? We could sneak out in the back and make sure.
    Based on his Instagram, if I were single I think I pretend to be gay. Of course with my luck I’d end up with a bunch of smelly guys following me around.

  2. Dianny

    I was kind of joking. He’s still surrounded by very attractive women at every campaign event. But that stands to reason because Conservative women are usually attractive.

  3. “Ric is on the right side of history for a switch hitter.
    Queers are not my cup of tea, but you gotta admire his moxie.”

    @Cisco Kid – who cares? Have you know IDEA how many closeted ‘switch hitters’ were on the right side of history?!

    PLEASE, I AM NOT SINGLING you out, but we need to move on past this shit.

    What we are not exactly use to, is seeing a conservative gay man and really fucking smart one too THAT ‘loves’ his country.

    He PROVES they exist and really ARE the closeted ones within their own ‘communities’ just LIKE black conservatives.

    I could give a fuck he is ‘queer, gay, a homo, etc.. this man has another mans back…haha…and that man is the POTUS, btw.

    And he can verbally troll like the best it turns out!

  4. Rick is conservative. Also has nuts! Those are the things that matter to me.

    DISCLAIMER – I voted Barry in 64

    Gen Goldwater, when asked about queers in the military said, “There are only 2 qualifications: Can he shoot straight!
    2. Does he love America

    I would Vote for Bary over any of the libs the GOP gave us from ’88 to ’16!

    I love America and clearly Rick does. And he has nuts/1 I would not him P:resident inn ’24.

    Don in ’20

  5. I actually hope he runs or is at least picked Veep in 24.
    I wish Trump would make him FBI… whatever. Can’t say anything about experience when the assholes we have now don’t do shit. NOT doing your job doesn’t add up to any experience.

  6. Ghost,

    I could care less also, I was just stating that gay men are not something I am personally interested in.

    I wasn’t casting aspersions anymore than if I were to say I don’t like broccoli either.

    FYI queer is not the pejorative to gay people that non gay people think it is.


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