Rich Libs in Pelosi’s District Launch GoFundMe to Stop Homeless Shelter – IOTW Report

Rich Libs in Pelosi’s District Launch GoFundMe to Stop Homeless Shelter


WFB: A group of wealthy San Francisco residents has launched a GoFundMe campaign to finance the legal costs of opposing a proposed homeless shelter on the city’s eastern waterfront.

Earlier this month, San Francisco Mayor London Breed proposed a location for a 200-bed Homeless Navigation Center in the city’s Embarcadero section. But residents of the wealthy waterfront neighborhoods near the proposed site are fighting back with lawyers and money.

The GoFundMe campaign, dubbed “Safe Embarcadero for All,” was created on March 20, and has already raised more than $46,000 of its $100,000 goal. More than 90 people have donated thus far, many of them anonymously.

“South Beach, Rincon Hill, Bayside Village, East Cut & Mission Bay residents, businesses and other interested parties are organizing to oppose the Navigation Center proposed for Seawall Lot 330,” reads a description on the campaign’s page. “Given the multiple interested parties, potential legal costs and restrictions on the Boards of our [Homeowners Associations] from taking independent action, our new group, Safe Embarcadero for All, invites you to join us.”

Both the proposed site and the surrounding neighborhoods are located in California’s 12th Congressional District, represented by House Speaker Nancy Pelosi (D., Calif.). San Francisco is among the wealthiest city’s in the country, with an average household income of $141,000.

One of the campaign’s donors ($1,000) appears to be Jerome Dodson, the chairman of Parnassus Investments, a “responsible investment fund” with more than $25 billion under management that targets “companies that build wealth for out clients and have a positive impact on society.” The firm’s headquarters are located less than a mile down the road from the proposed shelter site. Dodson has donated thousands of dollars to Democratic candidates over the years, including Pelosi and Hillary Clinton. Andrew Zacks, the attorney representing “Safe Embarcadero for All,” donated $1,000 to Rep. Jim Acosta’s (D., Calif.) campaign in 2017.  more here

14 Comments on Rich Libs in Pelosi’s District Launch GoFundMe to Stop Homeless Shelter

  1. I posted a page on Facebook yesterday about homeless numbers. Nationwide, homeless count has dropped from about 650,000 in 2007 to 550,000 now. So while it is a concern, homelessness is headed in the right direction. Even the state of CA has shown a drop. But the lefty cities, like my Peoples’ Republic of Santa Monica, are seeing an increase as they build more and more low-income housing. Funny, that…



  2. These Progs are afraid a lot of their stuff will go missing along with their property values dropping by 90% when the homeless slum hotel moves in & drags a couple thousand tent squatters along with it.

  3. california style- ‘not on my waterfront’
    inquiring minds want to know- what is the relation of feinstein’s husband’s business partner’ to this project, and the devaluing of property values that will inevitably result?

    “The suspect’s father, Greg Cosko, is the CEO of Hathaway Dinwiddie, a massive construction company that built a university building named after Feinstein’s husband. He serves on the board of San Francisco State University alongside Willie Brown, the California politician who said he helped make the career of California’s other Democratic senator, Kamala Harris, with an illicit affair.”
    I’m gonna dig a bit on that
    He also built the ‘millennium tower’ (the one that is leaning) and the adjacent ‘Salesforce Transit center’ (that has cracks in major structural beams). They’ll be after federal money to fix that, and provide more work for them.

  4. Isn’t there already a tent city on the Embarcadero? If not why not?

    A homeless shelter would be nothing without a free needle exchange, a tent soup kitchen, a free clinic, and Planned Parenthood.

  5. “A homeless shelter would be nothing without a free needle exchange, a tent soup kitchen, a free clinic, and Planned Parenthood.”

    Add a dumpster and porta-potty or two! Gotta give them have someplace to make dirty love

  6. Calling the group “A Safe Embarcadero” would imply the homeless are dangerous, how prejudiced of them.

    Their goal is “a safe Embarcadero for all”. No, they want a safe Embarcadero for all but the homeless.


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