Rich New Yorkers Fight To Keep Homeless Out Of Their Liberal Neighborhood – IOTW Report

Rich New Yorkers Fight To Keep Homeless Out Of Their Liberal Neighborhood


Daily Caller—Wealthy New Yorkers are furious that Mayor Bill de Blasio plans to open a homeless shelter in their ritzy Manhattan neighborhood.

Dozens of wealthy residents packed into a community meeting to voice their anger over the decision to move 150 homeless men into the former Park Savoy Hotel, NY1 reports. The residents are concerned that the move will increase crime and decrease property values in their neighborhood on “billionaires row.”

“How are these poor people, whose only livelihood is in one bag, deal with a $6 coffee and a $15,000 dress on the windows of Fifth Avenue?” asked one resident, a middle-aged man with a foreign accent. “Aren’t we breeding crime by doing this?” he asked, earning applause from the audience. more


24 Comments on Rich New Yorkers Fight To Keep Homeless Out Of Their Liberal Neighborhood

  1. (Madison, Wisconsin) Shorewood Hills apartment plan divides village

    So the poor people want to live in the rich white liberal areas do they?
    Aww, hell naw you don’t!

    Liberals are the biggest hypocrite racists out there.

  2. What about deBlasio’s neighborhood. Spread the charity. Throw some dreamers in the mix.

    Pelosi, Schiff, etc should open their homes and grounds to show the sincerity of their liberals screams. Their mansions could house several dreamers and homeless. The grounds could provide safe camping areas.

  3. “The residents are concerned that the move will increase crime and decrease property values in their neighborhood on “billionaires row.”

    I love the smell of liberal racism in the morning. Smells like……victory.”

  4. Wait until they start placing homeless in people’s yards, requiring folks with property to build a tiny hovel on their land for a homeless person to squat upon.
    One day they will assign a parasite to an individual host, making a person responsible for their assigned homeless person.

  5. So liberals want to be able to invade other people’s neighborhoods at will (southerners, the poor, the homeless) but won’t tolerate the reverse?

    Being a liberal means never having to admit you’re a hypocrite. Everyone already knows.

  6. Well, DUH!

    Nobody wants a bunch of stinking beggars in the neighborhood – not the negroes, not the spicks, not the micks, not the krauts, not the Jews, and certainly not the rich. This is no more hypocritical than the fact that shacks in San Francisco cost 3/4 of a million dollars – why do you think that is? To keep the rat-people out! Nobody wants the rat-people – they’re a convenient political prop – nothing more. Simply a way to extort $Billions from gullible taxpayers.

    izlamo delenda est …

  7. Meanwhile at the other end of the country, developers are required to build “affordable, high-density” housing in the “rich neighborhoods”, all the better to spread the crime around.

  8. I wonder how many of them sat in the hall that night wondering what the hell they wrote the big check to elect DeBlasio for if it wasn’t to have snap-of-the-fingers influence. Being rich I guess doesn’t mean being smart. Hope they give a cheery “Good Morning Neighbour” with a tip of the hat when they get into their limos in the morning.

  9. At least these citizens of New York are given the opportunity to protest, and possibly change the policy. Here in Utah , the Republican leadership of the Legislature rammed through a bill last year that forbade municipalities from banning homeless shelters. This was so an “unbiased” committee could decide where to place three new “homeless” shelters in Salt Lake County, in anticipation of closing shelters downtown Salt lake City that have been impacting real estate developments nearby, in an area that has traditionally been a “homeless” refuge.

    In its effort to serve moneyed (golfing buddies) interests, the Utah Republican leadership now owns the “homeless” issue and they are making every stupid mistake possible (look up Operation Rio Grande).

    Most municipalities, except SLC, in Salt Lake County have taken an aggressive approach against bums, drifters and hobos. By tying the hands of those municipalities who have controlled the situation, the “homeless” have now spread throughout the county.

    Damned, stupid, arrogant fools. They have now exposed every local Republican candidate to a backlash in November, and neutralized the one major negative issue against Ben McAdams in his race against Mia Love.

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