Richard Dreyfuss’ son recounts what Kevin Spacey did right under dad’s nose – IOTW Report

Richard Dreyfuss’ son recounts what Kevin Spacey did right under dad’s nose

BPR: Kevin Spacey’s fall from grace has been one of the most surprising–and most swift–in Hollywood.

The 58-year old actor whose decades-long critically acclaimed repertoire has been tarnished by multiple allegations of sexual harassment and assault is on the ropes.

Netflix has cut him from the hit series House of Cards and scrapped his upcoming Gore Vidal biopic.

In what is perhaps the final stake through the heart of Spacey’s once-coveted career, he’s facing another brutal groping accusation–this time from the son of Oscar-winner Richard Dreyfuss.

Harry Dreyfuss, a writer and actor in his own right, took to BuzzFeed to share his graphic personal experience, in which he unabashedly condemns Spacey as a “sexual predator.”

Dreyfuss explains that he was 18 at the time the incident took place in 2008. He was in London with his father, who was starring in a play directed by Spacey.

According to Dreyfuss, Spacey was incredibly kind and warm, which immediately built a relationship of trust between the famous actor and the young man.

One day, Dreyfuss and his father were at Spacey’s apartment to practice lines. The older man took a seat on the couch beside the young Dreyfuss and placed a hand on his thigh while his father was distracted reading the from the script.

“Finally (finally, finally) I became suspicious,” Dreyfuss recounts. “It took that long because it just never occurred to me that Kevin would be interested in me in the first place. He was an adult man, a hero of mine, my dad’s boss, none of which were categories on my radar for sexual interactions. Besides, I thought, Surely he can’t be coming on to me like this right in front of my dad. But his hand stayed there.  MORE HERE

33 Comments on Richard Dreyfuss’ son recounts what Kevin Spacey did right under dad’s nose

  1. What was sown in private is now known in public! The unsinkable ship has collided with an iceberg. It is no longer if it can sink, but when it will sink. It is really an ice cube tray disguised as a boat.

  2. Always disliked Dreyfuss. Like Spacey, I expect he mostly plays himself.

    JAWS should have ended with the shark eating Dreyfuss’ academic knowitall, with Robert Shaw swimming ashore with the Sheriff.

  3. Wait a few days … then everybody will be braying: “He’s sufferred enough!” and “Dude, that was, like, two years ago!” and “Can’t we just move on?” and “What difference, after all this time, does it make?”

    Just a prediction.

    izlamo delenda est …

  4. What we have to watch out for is Hollywood hanging all their sins on Weinstein and Spacey. Their careers are over but you can be sure the pining of crimes on them won’t stop for awhile. Weinstein may go to jail and Spacey may face some sort of judicial hearing but then Hollywood will try to close the door on it. Already jerks like Ben Affleck are “reflecting on their past actions” and his brother Casey is being sent to Conventry for awhile. A bunch of others are doing the old fake “mea culpa” about knowing about it but not saying anything but that it won’t happen again. It’s a full court press to take advantage of American propensity to both give second chances and to offer up sacrificial lambs (no matter how guilty) to limit the damage to the other villains.

  5. Uncle Joe placed his hand on that Sheriff’s thigh for all to see, groped wives of Congressmen right under their noses too, and Hillary struggled to free herself from his grasp.
    Did Dreyfuss put his head in Spacey’s lap? Was any of this reciprocated?

  6. WFB Jr to Gore Vidal years ago on national television: “Listen you queer, call me a crypto Nazi one more time and I’ll slap you so hard you’ll stay plastered.”
    I’m paraphrasing but it happened on ABC on election night Goldwater V LBJ. Vidal was drunk and nasty.
    Man am I getting old!

  7. Remember the scene in American Beauty when Spacey was taken aback by the sexual advances of the closeted, conservative retired Marine neighbor who gave him an unexpected hard tongue kiss?

    The same guy who then killed him at the end of the movie?

    Good times. Projection: it ain’t just for movie theaters, folks.

  8. Mr. Holland’s O-face.

    Close Encounters of the Turd Kind

    Etc., etc. Dreyfuss has done nothing except caricature people on the right in films for the last 20 years. W, The American President, The Day Reagan Was Shot.

    He either pimped his son out to Spacey or fagged out and let him do it without consequence.

  9. @Moe Tom, you sent me to yoiTube.
    1968, the Chicago Democratic convention. Howard K Smith was the moderator. Your WFB quote is dead on.
    How the Left and Dems have fallen. From Gore Vidal to Maxine Waters in one lifetime.

  10. Makes me wonder about all the movies “starring” trained animals. What might have happened to them? Bet there’s a crowd in Hollywierd that’s thankful the creatures can’t talk. Mr. Ed took his secrets to the glue factory.

  11. @ Cliche Guevara – Dreyfuss also did a role as a “right-wing arms merchant” in the comedy “RED”. In that respect, he’s much like Dan Ackroyd The Hemmorhoid, playing cartoonish right-wing bad guys.

  12. I’m having a hard time feeling sorry for these people (NOT the underage ones, but the adults). They let this behavior go on for years and years without saying a word, which paved the way for others to be abused. They’re just as guilty as the predators.

  13. Rufus T. Thank you. Afterwards there was a fierce battle of words between Buckley and Vidal in some New York magazine. Paul Newman got involved and called Buckley “unfair” for calling Vidal a queer as “that’s personal.”
    Buckley argued that calling him a crypto Nazi was insulting because “I am not.” But calling Vidal a queer is a fact, because he is. Great prose and a lively read if you can find it.

  14. A couple of years ago we got Neflix because the Wife wanted to watch House of Cards.
    A year later we dropped Netflix because of House of Cards.
    Neither of us were aware of Spacey’s “issues” at the time, but simply got tired of his smarmy smugness.

  15. A fundamental difference between “left” and “right” in a nutshell.

    The “left” will pimp their children for financial gain or kill them (in utero) because they’re “inconvenient.”

    izlamo delenda est …

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