Rick Leventhal: Lawmaker crack-down on what you can do at home – IOTW Report

Rick Leventhal: Lawmaker crack-down on what you can do at home

15 Comments on Rick Leventhal: Lawmaker crack-down on what you can do at home

  1. So are these bastards going to arrest people having Thanksgiving celebrations at their private households if more than 10 people show up of if they violate any of these bullshit unconstitutional govt. mandates? I hate these bastards, it’s my house, fuck off and leave us the hell alone to celebrate Thanksgiving the way it should be.

  2. Sns you hate science. They have experts and are trying to keep you safe. It is very selfish to be against this so you clearly don’t care if I am in danger with your reckless science denial!

  3. Come into my home to tell me what I can and can’t do there and you will told to leave and shot if you don’t.

    I’m old and have very little left to lose, they will be younger and have much more to lose, hopefully I will get at least one or more than just one of them before I die.

    I’m serious.

  4. @ jellybean November 13, 2020 at 6:53 pm,

    Larrytheenlightenedliberal is the ridiculous alter ego of one of our prominent iotwr siblings… I find him amusing.

  5. Cracks me up to see highly emotional, half crazy, lofo liberals call President Trump a fascist while large mouth-small hatters approve of democrats micro managing our lives. You know, like good fascists do.

  6. “Science is the belief in the ignorance of experts. When someone says ‘science teaches such and such’, he is using the word incorrectly. Science doesn’t teach it; experience teaches it”
    – Richard Feynman (The Pleasure of Finding Things Out)

    iow – science is constructive healthy skepticism.

    My view is covid-19 policies thus far are at least 80% ~ 90% politics, not science based. Those who know about viruses and immunology who attempt to bring real science (healthy skepticism with different opinions) into policy discussions are being censored by the know-it-alls controlling the so-called social media companies, and MSM networks.


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