Rick Scott boasts double-digit lead against Bill Nelson in possible 2018 Senate matchup: Poll – IOTW Report

Rick Scott boasts double-digit lead against Bill Nelson in possible 2018 Senate matchup: Poll

Washington Examiner: Florida Gov. Rick Scott leads Sen. Bill Nelson, D-Fla., in a possible 2018 Senate matchup, according to a recent poll.

Scott, a Republican, now has a double-digit lead ahead of the three-term senator, 41.8 percent to 31.6 percent, results released Friday from a Saint Leo University survey show. About 8 percent of respondents said someone else and 18.4 percent said they were undecided.


“Rick Scott has enjoyed consistently strong approval ratings during 2017, and he certainly received a small bump for the way he handled a difficult hurricane season for the state of Florida,” said Frank Orlando, director of the polling institute, in a statement. “As the state’s economy continues to grow, his overall approval comes as no surprise.”

Orlando pointed to Scott’s handling of the situation surrounding Hurricane Irma, which hit Florida in September, as helping boost his image.

Scott had been gaining on Nelson in the polls for months.

In late October, Nelson was leading Scott by just one point, 37 to 36 percent.

The Saint Leo University poll surveyed 500 respondents across Florida from Nov. 19 to 24 and has a 4.5 percent margin of error.

9 Comments on Rick Scott boasts double-digit lead against Bill Nelson in possible 2018 Senate matchup: Poll

  1. Nelson is a friggin fossil and should be off enjoying his golden years w his wife and hitting some golf balls. Another poster child for term limits. What is it w these people in that they never will retire and go home? Typical federal employees, just can’t pull themselves away from the benefits and pension

  2. I despise that puke Nelson. He’s long overdue for a boot in the ass out the door. He’s one of the few who wormed his way into a ride on the space shuttle. Our bad luck was it wasn’t the Challenger.

  3. Love ❤️ it!
    Here in Tallahassee and Leon County, they despise Governor Scott. There are “Pink Slip Rick” bumper stickers and many more obscene stickers. That usually is a great indicator of how good a republican leader is.
    Like the President, he is very wealthy and takes no salary other than $1 a month. He sold the Governor’s aircraft and flies on his own private jet.
    He was all over television and preemptive in preparing the entire state during recent hurricanes.
    I remember when he first became Governor, he even ran the Springtime Tallahassee 5K race. I have a picture of us taken on cel phone at pre race.

  4. How can any Democrat who voted AGAINST letting people keep more of the money they earn rather than seeing it confiscated to be wasted by government, hope to win in toss-up states?

  5. @ Anon.– They both have puppet strings.
    Oh, and Nelson does call himself an astronaut now. So where was he while fellow ‘RAT, Barak Obama, was demolishing America’s manned spaceflight program???
    Funneling NASA $$ to ghettoes. Have the ghettoes improved? Well Jesse and his fellow pimps are richer.

  6. RICK SCOTT did for guns what the federal government should do:

    “It’s not the job of the NRA to monitor gun laws. Any county or municipality that institutes a gun law higher than the state, is subject to a possible PERSONAL fine of $5000, and removal from office.”

    Guess what? They scrubbed the books of any such law. As soon as they lost a case to the NRA, they would introduce a slightly different gun law. You can’t have a gun 500 feet from a school. Now 499 feet, now 498 feet….

  7. I dont like Rick Scott even though I voted fro him the first time he ran for office. But Bill nelson is a hateful, corrupt piece of shit. His family owns a marina that caters to commercial fishermen. So he routinely does favors for the commercial guys yet goes out of his way to fuck over recreational fishermen, a demographic whose industry employs TEN TIMES as many people as the commercial fishing industry does and the recreational fishing industry has an economic impact in the tens of billions where the commercials are only a couple billion. Bill Nelson, you are a corrupt piece of shit. Fuck You.

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