Rick Wilson throws a fit in thread admitting ‘Trump wins’ because 1/6 commission is ‘dead already’ – IOTW Report

Rick Wilson throws a fit in thread admitting ‘Trump wins’ because 1/6 commission is ‘dead already’

Twitchy: We know it’s childish and even petty to laugh at the suffering of others BUT when it’s Rick Wilson who is suffering?

Yeah, we are SO pointing and laughing.

Especially when it comes to the January 6th Commission or the ridiculous narrative that a bunch of people dressed up like dorks led by a bigger dork in a Viking hat was somehow overthrowing the government. Yeah yeah, they really need something to deflect and distract from the sh*t job Biden is doing (who Rick helped put in the White House) but c’mon man. Stop being a lying, dog-faced pony soldier and stuff! more

8 Comments on Rick Wilson throws a fit in thread admitting ‘Trump wins’ because 1/6 commission is ‘dead already’

  1. Brad,
    McMuffin is why I carry an extra large broad tip Sharpie. If I see a “Vote for McMuffin” sign, it’s going to get an immediate “NEVER TRUMPER” scrawled across it.


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