RICO, Defamation, Lawsuits, Oh My! – IOTW Report

RICO, Defamation, Lawsuits, Oh My!

Geller Report:

“The ideal subject of totalitarian rule is not the convinced Nazi or the convinced Communist, but people for whom the distinction between fact and fiction and the distinction between true and false no longer exist.”

Hannah Arendt, The Origins of Totalitarianism

The hate group SPLC has smeared and libeled every effective voice of the right, including myself. This is long overdue. The “work” of the hate group SPLC is to smear, defame and libel anyone who effectively counters the hard-left/Islamic agenda. Veterans, tea party patriots, counter terror activists, even Presidential candidates on the right have been the target of their smear campaigns. They wield enormous power in the information battle space — media, movies, academia, etc. The idea that information behemoth Google is using these destroyers to filter search results is chilling.

Google changes search results to conceal criticism of Islam and jihad

Comprehensive new report shows ‘troubling’ social media censorship of conservative views

Washington Post Admits SPLC ‘Undermined Credibility’ with ‘Blunders’

Google May Face RICO, Defamation Lawsuits Due to SPLC Partnership, Lawyer says

In recent years, the far-Left Southern Poverty Law Center (SPLC) has faced a slew of lawsuits regarding its deceptive practice of branding mainstream conservative and Christian groups “hate groups” on par with the Ku Klux Klan. Google has decided to partner with the SPLC, even encouraging employees to work for the organization. Conservative lawyers told PJ Media this partnership may make the tech giant vulnerable to defamation and racketeering lawsuits.  MORE HERE

8 Comments on RICO, Defamation, Lawsuits, Oh My!

  1. “The ideal subject of totalitarian rule is not the convinced Nazi or the convinced Communist, but people for whom the distinction between fact and fiction and the distinction between true and false no longer exist.”

    Yes. That’s exactly whats going on. Further more, they have no interest in the truth. It’s inconvenient. And has nothing to do with todays temps.

  2. @Bad_Brad – It’s even more fundamentally nihilistic than that: it isn’t that the distinctions no longer exist, the very concepts of fact/fiction, true/false have been redefined such that they do not have the same reliance we rational people have on objective reality to determine true/false. This is the very heart of psychological nihilism.

  3. Since about 2007, I’ve been tracking the rough percentage of people in America (for one cannot call them “Americans”) who fall into this category and it is anywhere from 23 – 27%. There’s still time to head this off. Vote fraud is rampant and big tech’s complicity may be the final straw.

  4. “When men choose not to believe in God, they do not thereafter believe in nothing, they then become capable of believing in anything.”

    Thus, atheism is prerequisite to nihilistic totalitarianism (of whatever flavor).

    Democratic Socialism, Communism, Fascism, Social Democracy, National Socialism, Inter-National Socialism, and izlam (&c.) fill the void of Godlessness.

    izlamo delenda est …

  5. When you see a Progressive who is outraged at the chemical death of eagles and spends a large part of their time lamenting the use of DDT you should note that in later years, eagle death from solar and wind contraptions will be ignored. In part, you could say that there is an hierarchy of causes but this would be incorrect. Progressives are serially outraged and can hold opposing outrages at the same time such as favoring rare earth batteries while being outraged at the destruction of the planet by scour mining. Besides merely a reflection of ignorance, one must consider that Progressives are missing out on a genetic improvement which keeps them from clearly understanding reality. They create a personal reality structure and connect dots that do not have any correlation to observations that are picked out by the holder rather than exhibiting actual relationships. So, they go from one outrage to another, caring about none of them except as a way to pretend to be fully human. They cannot be reasoned with because they do not have contact with reality. They seek Power for protection against being found out. They are humorless, lack empathy and when in power, destroy civilization. Science is beyond them so they call everyone else unscientific, they pretend to be scientific while calling for research to be Diverse, as if this was a part of the Method.Hitler was a Progressive, when they succeed in control here in the borderless landmass, beware to Jews who will be sacrificed to Islam, Conservatives who will be harnessed as money slaves to support Progressive boondoggles and imprisoned for hate speech, improper clothing and color..The brilliant Huxley and Orwell plus history as a guide should cause many millions to prepare to fight for individual freedom or prepare to find living and all of its wonders disappear into mere existence at best.


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